23. Activation of the Solider

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 Tony Stark is furious. Why? Because half of his team is insane.

As he and Natasha stand waiting for the first arrival, he can't shake the anger clouding his worried mind. At the very least, he has Natasha on his side which is a big win in his books. Especially when they unload Malka Laska in chains from the prison truck.

When her gaze lands on them, her body tenses and she clenches her jaw, tilting her head as the task force pushes her forward. "Could you give us a minute?" Tony asks.

No one moves.

Malka rolls her eyes. "What did you think would happen, Stark?" Her eyes dart behind him, and she goes silent, her chin jutting out.

Everett Ross steps up to her, his eyes narrowed. She jerks back when he rips the necklace from around her throat, saying, "Are you idiots? All weapons. This thing could kill you."

"Gladly," Malka sneers.

Natasha lets out a small sigh as Tony purses his lips. "Malka," Natasha warns. "Cooperate."

"He didn't do it, and this is illegal."

"We have proof—"

"Shoddy proof, I'm sure. You think if the Winter Soldier was back, he'd get caught?" She lets out a bitter laugh. "Someone wanted to get caught. It wasn't him. We were both in Romania when whatever happened happened."

"Oh, yeah?" Ross asks. "Doing what?"

She seems to pause for a moment. "Sleeping."

Ross scoffs. "Yeah, that's not gonna fly."

She bites her lip. "Мы были вместе." (We were together)

Tony coughs, muttering, "Friday, translate."

Meanwhile, Natasha crosses her arms. "You're a spy, and you can't talk about sex?"

"Не тогда, когда это что-то значит."

"Not when it means something." Tony has to frown when Friday translates it. Strange for anything to mean something to Malka.

Her eyes land on him, and something dark comes to the surface. It takes him a moment to realize that she isn't staring at him, rather the truck that pulled in behind him containing a glass prison for Bucky Barnes.

He's never heard her voice so cold. "You hurt him, and you're all dead."

"I wouldn't be making threats if I were in your shoes," Tony snaps. "Do you understand the position we're all now in because of what happened? I mean, I thought you were smart, Mal."

"Smart would be throwing the Accords in the fire and watching it burn. Tell me, Tony, do you know what they're going to do to me?"

"Same as Barnes," Ross says, exchanging a look with the other members of the task force as he shifts his weight and places his hands in his pockets. "Psychological evaluation and extradition."

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