Just a case of the mondays (1/2)

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warnings: top!flo bottom!hailee, smut (you know, the really kinky stuff;)), mommy kink, praise kink, degrading kink, a LOT of pet names, fingering, oral sex, spanking, choking. YEAH OKAY JUST PURE SMUT
So fucking enjoy or I'm coming to your house

Hailee's pov

It's Monday. And I hate Mondays. Basically the worst day of all days. Especially today.
New Highschool, new teachers and of course: I'm late for the first class.

Hair still wet from my quick shower this morning, hands full of books and school stuff.
I'm such a mess. I had so much hope that this day will be a perfect new start.

I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't even saw the person coming in which I walked straight into. God please, seriously?

I bump into the person and all my books are falling out of my hands.
„Shit! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you coming, really! Why is this always happening to me.." I whisper the last sentence, as I look up to see in whom I walked into.

My eyes met two beautiful dark green orbs. I blinked a few times and scanned her face, which she noticed, because I saw how her lips form into a little smirk.
I feel how my cheeks begin to burn. I bet I'm red as fuck right now. God how embarrassing.

„You need to watch out." I hear her voice for the first time. Her voice is raspy and a little low and I can hear that she's British.
I never thought that someone's voice can make me turn even more red.

„I-I'm really sorry m-miss...?" it was more like a question. She doesn't look like she's a student here, possibly a teacher or a mother, I have no idea.

„It's Miss Pugh." she says and I swallow hard. I'm getting goosebumps all over my body. Her voice sounds so strict and dominant.
I fixed her eyes with mine again.

„I'm sorry Miss Pugh. It won't happen again." I say with a more stable voice this time. She just took me by surprise, that's all.

„I hope so." she says and walks down the hallway. My eyes were fixed on her body and I couldn't take my eyes off of her until she was out of my sight.

Okay wow, that was so embarrassing. You're such an idiot Hailee Steinfeld. Get a fucking grip.

After this thing I walked straight to my english class and got an detention because I was 30 minutes late...it's probably just a case of the Monday's...am I right?

Well after my class, we had a break and I found a new friend. Her name is Elizabeth, but everyone is calling her Lizzie. She's really nice and sweet. She showed me some parts of the school, the cafeteria, the library and some school-clubs.

„Oh and what you also need to know is: Never try to be on Miss Pugh's bad side. She probably hates all of us, but when you break her rules...believe me, she's not going to be nice to you." She says and I'm choking on my limo.

"Did you say 'Miss Pugh'?" I ask her and she nods. Oh god please, don't let this be true.
"I bumped into her this morning..." I say with a small voice and Lizzies eyes grew big.

"You what?!" She nearly screams and some other students already looking into our direction.
"Shhh keep it down Lizzie, for gods sake." I say and she shuts up. I bit into my sandwich and started to explain the situation.

"So, I was late as you know. And I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't look where I was going. I didn't see her coming and boom, I walked straight into her. All my books on the floor and she didn't even helped me to pick them up." I say and Lizzie looks at me with big eyes.

"She didn't screamed at you? Or credited you to an detention? She wasn't even mad??" Lizzie asks in disbelief. I shake my head.
"Nope, she just said 'You should watch out'" I say and Lizzie was in shock. I couldn't hold my laugh anymore.

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