Pancakes and morning conversations

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The following morning, you wake up to the smell of home-cooked breakfast.

You never had a moment like this before.

You slowly open your eyes and see Matt.

His hair is messy and his eyes have a different kind of glow in the morning.
Till last night you've never seen him without his red sunglasses. And now, you think he has the most beautiful eyes.
They look like a pretty sunset or honey, or something in between. You closely look into his features. He has the most lips, and his smile.
The smile he's giving you now is to die for. In this moment you think you could die just so you can relive this moment forever.

Finally after few minutes of comfortable silence, he says:

"Good morning you"

" Good morning, Matthew. Did you sleep well? " you whisper.

"Your morning voice sounds hot" he laughs, and makes you laugh too.

" What? Come on, Matt. Let me enjoy this morning for a little more " you pull the light blanket on your face.

"All right, you can have few more minutes. But you should get up before the pancakes get cold" he says and slowly gets up. You reveal your face and ask:

" You made pancakes? "


" Give me two seconds, and don't start without me "

"Of course"


Sitting next to your small kitchen counter, never made you smile more. Also seeing Matt with your old t-shirt, never made you happier. The morning sunlight comes through your wide window, and leaves a small glow on his face.
He's beautiful, and you tell him so, and he smiles. You make small conversations as you eat. You had to admit, these are the best pancakes you ever had.

"Hey, I have a weird personal question?"

" yeah? " you say as you put down your fork.

"How did you get the scar, the one on your chest?"

" It's not weird, but are you willing tell me about your scars on your back and all? "
you ask back not trying to come off as mean, you just don't want to answer that.

"Maybe another time than"

" I really want to trust you Matt, I just need time " you have the need to explain yourself.

"I get that, I really want to trust you too"

" But hey, if still want to her about my scar, I can tell you about the one on my knee "

"Yeah, I was wondering about that one too. Did you get that as a child?"

" I remember I was around five, when I got that. I think we're at the beach. I was amazed from the sea, you see, I always wanted to be a mermaid. And that was my first time at the beach, and I was so happy "-

you giggle at your happy memory and Matt can tell that you never shared this story with anyone.
He could tell that, by the way you were speaking, by the way your heart was so up-beat and the way you smiled. He gets lost in your heartbeat, he gets lost in you.
And you continue your story-

-" Then I started spinning and I don't even remember why. It made no sense, but I loved that moment of dizziness. Then of course my vision got blurry and I fell. My knee stared bleeding and I stared crying. But still it's one of my happiest memories "

"That sounds fun, but I always hated the beach"

" What? Why? " you ask with full excitement in your voice, waiting for his response.

"Well I preferred hiking, and my dad and I would always go camping in the summer. I loved seeing the city from up-high"

" Is that why you took me to a roof, so we can be high in clouds or something " you shyly laugh at your own 'joke'.

"Something likes that"

You talk some more, you share more stories and you realize that you both have to get to work. Rushing through your small apartment, taking turns of who gets to shower first while the other one cleans the mess, trying to find Matt's clothes...
you think you can get used to this, you can get used to Matt.

And Matt, he's already used to this, to you.
He thinks of you as some addictive drug, and he's a user.
Hell, he'll even be a sinner for you.
He'll be everything for you.


"Hey, I don't know if I should be calling you, but I did something and I wanted to hear your opinions on that. So you know Murdock, right? Well I think I really like him, and I'm not sure what to do about that. Maybe you can give me some advice; hopefully you'll get this voicemail. Also tell everyone that I miss them, how's Daisy by the way?" you hang up the phone, and head into Matt's apartment.

You both had long day at work, and how could you refuse Matt's kind invitation
for some wine and more ' getting to know each other ' ?

(Heyy, thanks for reading this story. I really like how it's going so far... Did you notice the little clue in the end, the voice-mail? ;)
It's all right even if you didn't, everything will make sense in a bit)
/ also I'm thinking of uploading this story on ao3 , any tips?
Have a nice dayyy!

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