Chapter Two, part 16!

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Once you got home you put Sunny to bed and went into the living room where Fez and Ash where sitting on the couch "so want to tell me what is going on?" Ash scratched his neck nervously "well uhm the doctor told us something but you can't get mad" he furrowed his eyebrows "i'm pregnant with twins ok fez and you can't be angry because i'm 5 months pregnant and i'm scared to have 2 kids in 4 months" he just sat there with his eyes widened "fucking twins there's two of you, nah i'm not mad congratulations i'm fucking happy" he got up and hugged Ash and then came over and hugged you "Sunny boy is gonna be happy man" "yeah i just hope he doesn't get jealous" Ash then picked up the gender envelope "what are we gonna do with this" you shrugged "want to open it now?" he had a smile on his face "i don't want to look" Ash gave the envelope to you, you the opened the top of it and slid it out, it was a folded up piece of paper you opened it and it showed this picture:

Once you got home you put Sunny to bed and went into the living room where Fez and Ash where sitting on the couch "so want to tell me what is going on?" Ash scratched his neck nervously "well uhm the doctor told us something but you can't get mad"...

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your smile grew "what is it?" Ash looked excited, you turned the photo round to him and he ran up to you and hugged you "fuck man 4 boys 2 girls this baby girl gonna be protected alright" fez also got up and hugged the both of you "you finally got a daughter man" "it's crazy i'm so excited!". Skip to later on you went to bed because you was worn out you got some stretchy pants on and a t-shirt, Ash came to bed and few minutes after "your happy i can tell" "i am" you both then got in bed and cuddled to sleep.

4 months later:

you woke up on a Saturday morning got yourself up and ready, you then went into the living room where Ash, Fez and Sunny where sitting on the couch "ughh i'm fucking pissing like i don't know what" fez looked at you "you have got big" "maybe because i'm carrying two humans inside of me thanks to your brother" Ash rolled his eyes "your so dramatic" your back then started aching and baby A was kicking "have you got any drugs?" they both turned and looked at you with shocked faces "no your not having drugs" you then slouch down on the arm chair "but i need them please you don't understand how much pain i'm in" Ash then shook his head at you "no you can't have drugs end of" "well i need to go to the hospital then" "why" "because i need something off them i'm in pain and this is not normal" "stop being dramatic" "i'm being serious i could have these babies right now i'm 39 weeks one week past my due date i'm being serious" "so your telling me that if i take you to the hospital now your going to come out with babies" "that's exactly what i'm saying" "ok let's all get in the car then" you then all got up from the couch and Ash got the baby bag Fez drove use to the hospital and dropped Sunny off to Lexi's house. "hello, how can i help you" "i'm having a baby" "you don't look like your having a baby" "listen here woman your sitting on your ass all day speaking to people while i have to cut two fucking humans out of me i think i know what i am and what i'm not" the woman looked shocked "ok i'll get you a doctor straight away" "thank you" you Ash and Fez then went to the waiting room and your name got called out shortly after "so what seems to be the problem today" "i'm having children right now" ash then rolled his eyes "and they don't believe me so i need proof like right now please" "ok do you mind if i scan you" you nodded your head and the nurse then scanned your belly "wow 2 healthy looking babies you look like you are ready to have them" you turned to Ash and Fez with a smug smirk on your face "like right now actually" you turned back to the nurse "you can do c-sections this quick?" "oh it's to late for a c-section" "what do you mean i'm not having them any other way i'm having a c-section" "you can't your ready to have them now" "well i refuse to have them then" Ash then walked over to you "just listen to them" "ok fine i want a epidural" "you can't it's to late" "well i can't just do it now i'm not ready this is not what was supposed to happen i need an epidural can you just give me something please" "there is nothing else" then Maddie and Nate walked in "i'm here" you sat up from the bed "what the fuck are you doing here" "where here to meet our niece and nephew we are your birthing partners" Fez then started arguing with Nate and Maddie started arguing with Ash "YOU FUCKING DIDN'T HELP HER WITH SUNNY SO WHY ARE YOU HERE NOW" "SHES MY FUCKING SISTER I SHOULD BE HERE" "I THOUGHT THE LAST TIME I SEEN YOU I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HER" "SHES LIKE MY LITTLE SISTER" you then had the urge to push Maddie and Nate where now arguing with Fez "ash i need to push this is not helping me"


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