Like father, like son

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A couple of weeks later, the two mothers had decided to leave the house, since Kate was dealing very well with everything that involved being a mum. "I didn't expect less of her", had admitted a proud Anthony, whom never missed the chance to spend time with his wife and the baby as soon as his obligations for the day were done.

And so, Violet was looking for her son to say goodbye, finding him in the studio, staring contemplatively at his father's portrait. She just walked in and stood in silence by his side, looking at his late husband.

"You are so much like your father", she said quietly.

Anthony, hands clasped at his back, turned to her, stunned. "Am I?".

Violet nodded her head. "More and more each passing day. Even more so since you got married. And the way you look at Edmund. The same way he looked at you. To all of his children, of course. But you were the first one. The first one is always a little more special". She looked at him, smiling. "Only a little tiny bit more".

Anthony felt his chest fill with air and a heavy sensation. He had always thought, or had wanted to believe, at least, that he had had a special bond with his father. Even if only because he had known him longer than the rest of his brothers and sisters. Hearing that – kind of – from his mother's lips, was an unexpected gift.

"And you want to hear something else?", she asked, her eyes bright.

Anthony nodded his head.

"When you were born, crying, although not quite as loud as Edmund..."

"You can blame Kate on that, I'm sure. That woman has an opinion for everything and Edmund was making sure we knew he didn't appreciate being thrown out of such a comfortable place as his mama".

"Anthony!". She tried to scold him, but couldn't help her laugh. Anthony smiled. His mother would always get misty when mentioning and remembering his father. She thought she hide it well, but she didn't.

"As I was saying, you came into the world crying as well. And your father, just like you, placed his hand on your head and called your name. I remember you opening your eyes and looking straight at him. It was such an unique, almost magical moment. He wouldn't shut up about it for months. That you had recognized him. He was plethoric". She let out a perfectly happy but terribly nostalgic small laugh. "He used to talk to you when you weren't even born, you know?"

Anthony swallowed hard. He had no idea. And he had done the same, he had talked to his son so many times, to much of Kate's amusement. The two of them, sitting on a sofa with Kate on his lap. Or lying in bed, with his head on her stomach. And he had thought just the same when Edmund had tried to turn his face to him, that his son had heard him, recognized him.

You're just like him, his mother had just told him. And he felt like his heart was going to break out of his ribs.

"I miss him", he said.

"Me too", was his mother's soft reply. "I wish he were here, to meet all his grandchildren. He loved kids so much. He was such a marvellous husband and father. As you are".

Anthony gulped, a lump his throat.

"I try to. I..." he turned to her mother, looking her in the eyes. "Now I understand. I don't know how you did it. If I ever lose Kate, I... I..."

"Oh dear, don't you ever say that". 

And Violet, for the first time in years, caressed his son's face. He was such a grown up man, sometimes so serious. Taking his father's place as the head of the house.

But now the Viscount gently placed his hand over hers. A father wanting to go back to being a son for just a brief moment. Understanding and feeling the connection with his parents, in hopes of knowing how to form that very same connection with his son.

"No matter what happens", his mother said, with teary eyes. "No matter how much time passes, nothing matter. I've learnt that we never lose them. Never".

Anthony hugged her, something he didn't make often. But he hugged her and kissed her forehead and silently thanked her for giving him life and being there for him.

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