My Desired reality

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My desired reality is the fictional reality of Harry Potter. It is set in England and Scotland starting in 1991.

One hour in my DR is equal it one hour in my OR.

Every timeI leave my DR, time stops there. when I re-enter, time continues.

I smell bacon and hear aunt petunia knocking on the small door so I know I have shifted.

I age at the same rate as the people in my DR

I wake up from shifting fully rested.

My years at Hogwarts follow the timeline of the Harry Potter books

I am Immune to the killing curse.

I survive the war

Me and anyone I'm close with is safe in my desired reality.

Hagrid will give me a red owl when he gives Harry Hedwig. I will name her Strawberry. She is red because she is a rescue from spell lab and was being tested on.

 She is red because she is a rescue from spell lab and was being tested on

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Words - 166

Published - 30/10/2022

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