Chapter 4

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"Please bear a little longer my lady" Keira was half asleep while the maids changed her into a dress that was comfortable for traveling. "The carriage is ready" Allison walked in the same time that the maids finished "and so is the young lady" Monette smiled in victory but Keira wanted to lay down. "Brother" she ran to Lucas who entered a few seconds after Allison.

He picked her up and thanked the maids before walking to the foyer. "Are all your things in the carriage?" Dion asked his children, they looked at each other before nodding. Two carriages were waiting in front of the mansion, one for the six of them and one for their maids and luggage.

"Lucas, move your feet!" Benjamin complained while also kicking his foot away. "Stop it Benjamin and keep in mind that I'm the only one who can call you by your first name" He was using his weird tone again. The tone he uses when he wants to remind someone that he was older than them.

The carriage departed the estate before sunrise. Both Keira and Leilin were asleep and Benjamin and Lucas were talking about how they looked forward to meeting Cosette and seeing if she really was as full of glory as the duke made her sound in the letter. Lucas was still holding Keira while Medea held Leilin, the carriage hit a rock that shook the kids awake. "Did something happen?" Leilin looked up at her mother "No, it was nothing" she assured her and Leilin went back to sleep

Benjamin started complaining that his feet were hurting "Benjamin, I swear if you don't stop I will throw you down the cliff" Lucas glared at his brother, he made a face and mocked the way he talked which made Lucas more annoyed.

"Stop acting like a five year old!" Lucas yelled "Shut up, you're acting like a five year old yourself!" Benjamin yelled back. "You're sisters are asleep" Dion looked at both of them and they immediately shut up while still making faces at each other.

They arrived earlier than expected. The streets were packed and other nobles had also arrived. They reached their hotel and got their rooms, after they got settled in the four children immediately wanted to go to the festival.

"I heard the Agriche family will be attending the ball" Someone said from behind them, Benjamin wasn't the type to eavesdrop but he was curious "They're already here actually. I saw a carriage with their family crest earlier" another voice chirped in.

"Benjamin, you're falling behind" Lucas calls for him. He looked forward and realized that his siblings were way ahead of him, he caught up with them and they continued to look around.

They specifically asked to not be escorted by a knight so that they can avoid attention. They've never been to the dukedom so the people still don't know what they look like so before the ball tomorrow, they want to take advantage of the short time of freedom they have.

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