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This day already seems so boring because of de school. I don't know, where is my dream classmates, or just those classmates from the tik tok? Ughhh.

The history as usual going so long, but I'm alright with it.
I'm sitting beside Jaden, and he is annoying as fuck, for real. He just trying to do his best to just drive me to home, or just hanging out with me somewhere. But, hehe, I can't say that his tries are justified.
I don't like him. He is a simp. And sometimes I just think, that I don't like anyone except me. Btw imma not a narcissistic person. I've just already talked with Douglas for whole weekend. He is interesting as fuck. His magical tricks with ignore or something like this is really working, I've tried, girls.

Whole this weekend I wanted to walk with him so bad, but he already took a distance between us. Us (¿¿?). Idk.
Maybe Vinnie just told him some bullshit, maybe he didn't, I don't give a fuck about him. I just worried about our relationship with Douglas.

"is everything fine?"
sent 1h ago

He just keeping ignoring me, doesn't he?😭tell me if im wrong..

teacher: "Ms Roberts, are you okay?"

me replying: "yeah, yeah I am"

Im just fucking stuck in my thoughts.
My luck that she hasn't saw the phone under the school table.

jay: "hey Mari, with who do you chatting to?"

he asked and looked me in the eyes. This look.. dudeee, nooo. I can see that he fall in love, damnnn. And don't even ask me from where I know it. I just do.

"Im sorry." i suddenly said.

Jaden give this view "🤨" and then just smiled.

"sorry for what?"

fuck. Now I regret of me said this.

"oh, did I said it loud?" I began playing a fool girl.

"what do u mean «loud» ?" Jaden seems so confused.

"uhmmm, let's just continue doing our own business" I smiled playfully.

The next half of a school day I spent without anything & anyone, just my and my AirPods.

When I was leaving the school, I've noticed so similar car nearby. Wait, I know who's car is it!
I came up to a car.
A car window is opening, and I see Douglas in there!!

"heeeyyy, how are you doing?" Imma started talking first.

"sup Mari, I'm fine. Gets in a car" with a wild smile, he answered.

"so u arrived here for me?" I crossed my arms, and gave to him such an interested look.

"so gets in the car." he repeated my words and closed a car window.

I quietly gets in his car, taking a seat beside him.

"well well well, somehow I've knew, that yours lessons is over, so I decided to pick you up." he turned his head to see me. Should I describe that feeling..? oh

"fine" I smiled , putting my palm through my hair.

"hm, don't you glad that I picked you up from the school?" he started talking again, concentrating himself at the road.

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