21 | escape velocity

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MARS has a thing for space.

      Much like the ocean, majority of it is vastly uncharted. It's as terrifying as it is exhilarating. Free-falling into the unknown is the sort of terrifying that sends every nerve ending into overdrive, and it's a feeling none of us have turned away from. Even if there's no guarantee we'll make it out on the other side unscathed. Even if the act of succeeding hinges on a very honest reality that requires risking it all.

        When the band decided on the title of our debut album, it clicked naturally. We were out to prove our worth. Prove we have the power of a thousand suns to shine throughout endless galaxies. Though we were by no means perfect—and still aren't since such feats are simply unachievable—we were determined to make the world recognize that while we can accept there will always exist those who doubt our strengths, we can never and will never doubt our own. It's the only reason we've made it as far as we are, and the only reason we'll keep going up from here.

        Coming up with the name of our second album takes a little longer. Although we agree on a theme for our album titles, it takes us a while to realize what we want people to take away from this second effort. In a way, there's more to prove when we're following up on the critical and commercial success of Nuclear Fusion. Fighting the infamous sophomore slump curse and our own expectations isn't just a necessity, it's a driving force.

        Escape velocity is the minimum speed needed for a free, non-propelled object to escape from the gravitational influence of a primary body.

        Maybe this album is our way of escaping those self-imposed expectations and proving to the world we're not a singular moment in time.

        In the words of one of the greatest songwriters of our generation: we will be remembered.


Rami picks out a few pictures from the tablet in his hands and returns the device to Jenny. "These are the best. In my opinion."

       Going over concept art is one of the easier facets of releasing an album. Since we are working with the same graphic designer and photographer from our first, they understand of our style and what we like, but this also means being able to help push us out of our comfort zone. For Escape Velocity, we want something that stands out from Nuclear Fusion but isn't inauthentic either.

        Jenny flicks the concept art for Nuclear Fusion and the tentative selections for Escape Velocity. From murky shades along the neutral spectrum to intense but mysterious hues of pinks and purples and blues.

        "Are we all in agreement on these?" Jenny asks. The gears turn in her head, figuring out ways to incorporate these into promotion and music videos. Jenny is the most hands-on assistant we can ask for, and her creativity rivals even that which is shown in our music.

        The group nods to confirm.

       "What a coincidence. All of the bi-colors," Lauren remarks. "Even unintentionally we have the best taste."

        I hold out my hand for a fist bump.

        "Obviously the most important." Jenny flips the tablet cover back with a sigh. While staring at pretty pictures isn't hard work, dealing with the five of us is. "One more thing on the agenda for today and I can let you go."

        "Hope Marty is paying you overtime," Seira scoffs. "Pretty sure he was supposed to go over this with us today."

        "Unfortunately for both of us, his kid has the stomach flu so I think I should consider myself lucky I'm not dealing with that." She shudders. "I know we haven't finalized the tracklist, but I know there are clear favorites for singles. If we can decide on a lead today, that'll make things easier. I can have Malcolm work on promo for the single at the same time he finalizes the album cover."

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