32 | escape velocity (reprise) pt. i

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"Moxie said she's sorry she couldn't make it but her endometriosis is acting up today."

        I usher Mick inside. "Yeah, she texted me a few minutes ago. I'm having Jenny send over soup."

        Emerging on the other side of space and time, Mick whistles. Our record label pulls out all the stops with tonight's party. Taking place in a grungy warehouse, the industrial details contrasts with the neon glow of the lights fixed around the room. Behind a large art piece is the stage set-up for our performance later; a handful of songs we think are the crown jewels of Escape Velocity.

      "Here." I walk over to one of the tables. "Goodie bags. Album is in there so you and Moxie can listen before everyone else. Just don't spoil anything before midnight."

        "No NDA?" he muses, rifling through the the bag. Most are gifts from our sponsors, but the shiny new album sits proudly in the center.

        "I go more by a code of honor than a flimsy piece of paper," I laugh. "Do you want to check out the stage?"

        "I actually need to go but I wanted to show you—" Mick pulls out his phone, followed by a pair of wired earphones. After fumbling with them for a few seconds, he hands both and instructs me to put them in. "Moxie wishes she could be here for this but—"

        A song begins and from the opening notes I know what I'm listening to. After spending the day at his apartment with Moxie and Jun writing lyrics, composing melodies, and providing background vocals, the final product titled Ghosts is born. Up until now, I'venever heard the final product.

        When I return his earphones, it takes me a second. "I'm...speechless. Genuinely."

        "I don't think our producers have ever been as excited to hear a song before."

        "Happy to be along for the ride."

        "Moxie and I were wondering if you would be okay with us releasing it next month?" Mick asks.

        Jun crosses my peripheral. "Sorry, let me just scream for him for a second."

          Mick covers his ears while I call Jun over. He arrives out of breath and carrying a half-empty Capri Sun pouch.

        "Hey, Mick. Thanks for stopping by."

        He lifts the goodie bags. "Thanks for these. Moxie will be sending you both a strongly-worded but raving review, I'm sure."

"Mick brought us a surprise."

Mick replays his motions from earlier and Jun's face mimics the one on mine. By the time the song is finished, he's equally as speechless.

After accepting Jun's compliments, Mick relays the plan to release the song next month.

"Busy year for us." Jun bumps elbows.

"I gotta go before I miss my flight. Thanks again. Tell everyone I said congratulations." Mick leans in to hug us both. "Dinner before you go off for promo?"


Mick disappears into the crowd of staff working on last-minute touches for the party.

I turn to Jun who's wearing a long-sleeved purple shirt and black pants. The invitations state one request for the dress code: pink, purple, and/or blue.

"Heads up: Jenny is on a mission tonight."

"Isn't she always?"

  "Not like this."

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