Rose bridge

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The bridge close to kimetsu high was a popular place for the students to go before or after school. It was known to be peaceful with a nice breeze, and also a romantic location for couples. This was because blossoming roses and vines entertwined with the structure. And why wouldn't people like it? It was a polished wooden bridge with lights all around, beautiful especially at night. The calm river with soothing sounds might rock some to sleep, and others might use it to focus while studying. Some people use it as inspiration for art, and this beautiful structure had gathered the attention of a famous artist, making the bridge popular, and photographers, posting the magical sight to Instagram. What was it called?

Rose bridge.(I'm sorry if that sounds stupid TwT.)

The Kamaboko squad decided this was the best place to hang out on a Saturday evening. Ah yes, very cliche, I know.

"Hey guys", Nezuko piped up as the squad walked to the park entrance. "Are there food trucks here today? I'm starving". "You literally just ate two servings of dinner and then dessert", Tanjirou questioned while raising an eyebrow. "I know", she shrugged. Even Aoi looked confused. (yes, my Nezuko headcannon is that she loves food) "Anyways", Zenitsu suggested with a blank expression. The group turned to him.

He pointed to Tanjirou and Kanao.

"When will you guys get together already?"

Genya spit out his drink and started uncontrollably coughing. Inosukes eyes widened and he let out a big " HUH!?" noise. Aoi scolded Zenitsu as they walked, hitting him with a notebook. "ZENITSU YOU PIECE OF SHI-" Meanwhile, the two lovebirds stood there, their faces red.

After an hour of sitting by the river and laughing, the group said their goodbyes and left for home. Tanjirou at this point still had a bit of time before he needed to be home, and wasn't feeling very fatigued. He grinned wickedly remembering how his sister always complained that he had a later curfew. Well, I'm still a little hungry myself. There's an ice cream truck parked next to the bridge, right? He nodded to Himself and walked over to the truck.

There weren't too many people there late-evening, and only one he recognized. She had long ebony hair tied into a tight side ponytail with a butterfly clip attached. Kanao. Her pale skin and cherry lips made her instantly attractive, and her rosy cheeks could easily give someone butterflies. Or maybe just me. I'm hella weird, Tanjirou thought as he walked up to the spot next to her with cash in hand.

"So...what's up?"

You absolute fucking idiot.

He felt his cheeks starting to warm and turned his head quickly, embarrassed from what he had said. Kanao tilted her head slightly and a smile graced her lips. " I'm quite all right. Do you want to sit down over there when we get our ice cream?", she asked softly. Even more blush was put to Tanjirou's face. OH MY FUCKING GOD SHES SO ADORABLE I FDJDEJOGSHKUDSBK. Despite these thoughts he managed to keep slightly calm and nodded with an awkward smile.

After eating Tanjirou asked her if she wanted to walk her home and she accepted. He took her hand and lead her to the river.The two stopped by the bridge, both taken aback by its beauty at night. The polished wood glimmered in the moonlight, and blooming pink and red roses intertwined with it, emitting a beautiful fragrance that could capture anyone who walked by. (I'm terrible at describing things lmao) The pair stared at the small lights twisting around each piece of wood, and smiling at the sight.

They traveled across the bridge, both smelling the aroma of the roses and blushing. Time seemed to slow down as they walked. Tanjirou looked back at Kanao and smiled. Suddenly a thought popped into his mind. He stopped in his own tracks, still holding on to Kanao's wrist. She fell back into his chest and confused, looked into his eyes. They were a deep crimson hue, marvelous and beautiful. Before she could react though, he took both of her hands in his and looked straight into her eyes. "Kanao Tsuyuri... will you go out in a date with me!?", he sputtered out, embarrassed. The girl paused for a moment, then smiled shyly while looking at her feet. "Yes", she managed while blushing hard and twirling her hair in her finger. "Oh, uh, great!", Tanjirou said, not really sure what to do next. Kanao took only one of his hands and lead him off the bridge, planning their date.

yeah, I haven't posted in a hot minute lmao. I'm really sorry I've just been reading different stories and really just kinda lost motivation. I am so thankful for you guys for continuing to read, and the chapter that comes after this I actually made before. Bye!

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