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Izuku shouted "Rody No! Y/n do something!!"
Y/n froze and says to Izuku "No.."
Izuku was stunned but realized in a few seconds.

Rody about to give the USB to the leader but he flicks it to the air and shouted "Deku now!!" and ran the other direction, Y/n says to herself "I knew it"

Y/n and Izuku punches the Humarise Leader.
Rody says "It's all according to plan!"
Y/n covered in wounds and goes after Rody "I knew you wouldn't do such a thing"
Rody replied "Huh, Your not dumb as i thought"

Y/n says in a sarcastic voice "Oh please! I know you like your my Childhood best friend!"

Rody replied "Fair enough" he got shot by a laser on his stomach.

Y/n and Izuku shouted "RODY!!"
Y/n ran to get Rody "Come on get up!"
Y/n helps Rody stand
Rody says to Y/n "Wow, your really do got my back"

Y/n puts Rody to the wall "Stop the bomb ok? I believe in you!"
Rody smiles at Y/n and Shouted to both of them "Kick that guys but Hero!!" then walks away

Y/n runs to help Izuku fight the Leader.

*Skiped scene*

Rody walking his way down to the stairs.


Izuku says to Rody "Hey Rody What's your quirk? What kind?"
Y/n joins "Yeah Rody! What's your quirk?"

Rody says in annoyance "I don't have it"
Izuku apologies "I'm sorry!!"
Rody replied "Promise you won't laugh?"

Y/n and Izuku Nodded "We Promise!"
Rody replies to them "Pino is my quirk, No matter how much i lie Pino gives it away"

Izuku says to Rody "Really? I think its a wonderful quirk"
Y/n joins in "Yeah! I don't mind people who has quirks like yours and besides Pino is cute"

Rody smiles at Y/n but Pino on the other hand flew to Y/n's shoulder and started rubbing her face on Y/n's cheek.

*Another skipped scene*

Izuku and Y/n shouted "Our friend is not a scum!!"

(Izuku and Y/n Fighting the Humarise leader)

Y/n & Izuku runs to Rody and found Him, Izuku says in a slightly quiet voice "Rody, you did it!"

Y/n about the cry "He did it"
Pino and Rody gives them a thumbs up, Izuku puts Rody's head on his lap "We'll get you to the hospital now" Izuku said

Rody says to Izuku "Deku... I protected my family like my dad right?"
Izuku Nodded and Smiled
Rody looks at Y/n "Did i diffuse the bomb?"

Y/n replied to Rody smiling "Yes you did Rody"
Rody says to Izuku "I did everything like you right?"
Izuku replied "Yes"

Y/n says to Rody "Your amazing, Rody"
Rody started to laugh "I'm so cool"
Izuku & Y/n laughs

(Rody, Izuku and Y/n got to the hospital, But Y/n gone unconscious on the way to the hospital)

Rody hugs both Roro and Lala "I'm glad you guys are ok"
Lala and Roro stoped crying
Rody says to them "I would like to introduce my friends to you, The one with the green hair is Izuku Midoriya but i prefer to call him Deku"

Y/n looks at Roro and Lala with her tongue sticking out.
Lala laughed
Rody ask Lala "What's so funny Lala?"
Lala replied "Your friends made a funny face" and pointed at Y/n

Rody looks at Y/n in confusion then looks at Lala again "What? She's sleeping"
Y/n trying not to laugh but obviously not asleep

Rody introduces Y/n "This is (Y/n)

Y/n slowly sitting upright to talk to Roro and Lala
Rody warns Y/n "Y/n! Your wounds aren't fully healed yet!"
Y/n replied "Nonsense, Come here" looking at Roro and Lala with a smile

Roro and Lala getting scared Y/n might hurt them
Rody I courage them "It's ok, She just wants you to talk with her"

Roro and Lala approaches Y/n
Lala says "Hello miss (Y/n)"
Y/n Replies to her "Hello, You must be Lala right?

Lala nodded
Y/n says to Lala "Your so much pretty in person! I bet your the princess of the house right? or even better a Queen!" And pats Lala, Lala smiled
Y/n looks at Roro "You must be Roro"
Roro nodded "Yes"

Y/n says to him "Your brother told me your smart, Tell me a math equation that you know the answer of"
Roro replies to Y/n "Y-Yes! What is 5+5?"

Y/n pretended she didn't know "I don't know what is it?"
Roro and Lala says the answer "10!"
Y/n pats them both "You guys are so smart!

Lala says to Y/n "Your funny, i like it"
Roro says to Rody "Onii-chan, is she your lover?"

Rody was shocked of Roro's question "W-What?"

(Day of Departure)

Izuku turns around to see Rody "Rody!"
Y/n was beside Izuku and also turned around to see Rody

Izuku walked closer to Rody "The doctor said you won't be out for 3 days!"
Rody replied "They said I'm good to go"

Izuku asks Rody "What are you gonna do now?"
Rody replied "Go back to my normal life, And you should stick to Japan whenever your around nothing good happens"
Pino was crying on his shoulder

Izuku hugs Rody "I will come and visit"
Rody hugs back and replied "Don't come back"
Y/n getting jealous "I can't take it anymore!!" runs to Rody and hugs him while crying

(Starts to rain)

Rody comforts Y/n "There's nothing to worry about Y/n"
Y/n makes a promise "Rody, When i graduate, I'm gonna visit you and give you guys a life you dreamed of having"
Rody replied to Y/n "If it includes giving my siblings the best life I'll accept it"
Y/n Says to Rody "I'll text you every once in a while"

Rody confused "I don't have a phone"
Y/n gives him a phone "Here, I bought this when i came here on Otheon for the first time cause i accidentally left my phone at japan"

Rody was shocked "Really are you actually giving this to me?" Takes the phone
Y/n Nodded "I memorized your phone number so i can text or call you"

Rody smiles and hugs Y/n and Izuku "I'm gonna miss you guys..."

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