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*The next day*

Rody's Pov:
I woke early cause i thought it was work day at the bar but i forgot it was sunday so I didn't go back to sleep but to go the kitchen and make some Breakfast, when i went out of the room i saw Y/n sleeping on the couch

I smiled of how cute she can be when sleeping but not as cute as Lala, I walk to the kitchen and surprised breakfast was already made and still very hot

And i realized that Y/n must've made this when we were asleep, This food was made like about 10 minutes ago

I went to Y/n and looked at her asleep, she must've been really tired last night, and my eyes felt heavy and i lied next to Y/n to go back to sleep

*Hours later*

Roro and Lala talking to each other,
Roro said "See? i told you Y/n is Rody's lover i mean look at them!"
Lala replies "Your right Big brother, they are a couple!"

Y/n heard what Roro and Lala said and woke you up "What are you guys talking about?"
Roro and Lala went silent but giggled a little
Y/n realized she was on top of Rody sleeping then blushes red

immediately, due to Y/n sweating so much Rody woke up and mumbled "Why is the pillow wet?" didn't realize it was Y/n who he was hugging

Rody opened his eyes a little and blushed to see Y/n on top of him

Rody's Pov:
The pillow was starting to get wet and I didn't know why so i opened one of my eye to see i was hugging Y/n!! I blushed pink and let go of Y/n

"I-I'm sorry! i forgot i was sleeping next to you!" Rody said
Y/n replied "it's ok"
Rody and Y/n looks at Roro and Lala knowing what they saw

Rody and Y/n shouted "It's not what it looks like seriously!"

*Few hours later (Your at the park)*

Y/n says to Rody "Hey Rody, What job do you think suits me?"
Rody replied "What do you like to do?"

Y/n says nervously "I-I like to parkour, scaring people, and hanging out with you guys!"
"You can parkour? No wonder you can catch up with me" Rody said

Y/n asked "I remembered that time we first met, Why did you keep grabbing my wrist?"
Rody replied "A stupid reason actually, I thought if i would let you go you will tell on me"

Y/n says "Yeah, I think i would do that"
Rody and Y/n looked at each other and laughed

Rody asks Y/n "How about you? Why did you keep following me at that time?"
"Honestly I actually don't know, your just the only person who doesn't judge my skin" Y/n said

Rody replied worried "Really? Does people keep judging your skin?"
Y/n said "Yes, They keep saying i was weak because i kept getting hurt. But they were wrong! Me getting hurt only makes me stronger!" saying that confidently

Rody laughed and patted Y/n "You might be strong, but your hella short"
Y/n yelled "So?!" and jumped on Rody's back

Rody replied "Ack! Get off your so heavy!" and eventually fell and lied on the floor
Y/n looks down to look Rody in the eye "Who's laughing now?"

Rody replied "Your a one heavy dwarf" and laughed
Y/n helped Rody get up

"That was just a warning, next time you'll be tickled to death" Y/n said
Rody says to her "Huh, Good luck with that my tickle spot is well hidden!!"

Y/n rubbing Rody's waist "Your right, It is well hidden"

Rody smirked "I told ya!"
Y/n smiled "I might know where it is but it's you know, A '𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘈𝘳𝘦𝘢'"
Rody realizes "Your one hella dirty minded person are you?" and a soft hit at the back of Y/n's head

Y/n fake flirting him "But what if I'm right?~" and looked at Rody smirking knowing what she said

Rody covers Y/n's face with his hands "Please not in public"
Y/n continues to fake flirt "Oh come on, Just one peak~"

Rody plays along "Ah~ your really want it so badly mommy?~" and goes closer to Y/n's lips

Y/n immediately turned red and went silent
Rody backed away and laughed "Haha! You should've seen the look on your face! For a minute you looked like a red tomato!" and continues to laugh

Y/n goes back to her normal color and flirts back for revenge, you pulled his necktie so he would get close to you and whispered in his ear  "I wanna you to be inside me daddy~" and touched below his belly and almost close to it

Pino was red like a tomato and almost fell of Rody's shoulder, Rody blushed and didn't say a word

Y/n backs away immediately "Who's the tomato now?" and pointing Rody
Rody looked away and kinda looked mad

Y/n checked Rody "R-Rody? are you ok? I'm sorry" as soon as you touched his shoulder

Rody grabbed you wrist and started tickling you "You went too far Y/n! this is your punishment"

Y/n laughed nonstop and almost ran out of breath "Rody! Stop! i can't breathe" and made a wheezing sound

Rody let go and said "You took it too far Y/n" and made a pout face
Y/n said "I know I'm sorry"
Rody helped you get up and started walking back home

Rody's Pov:
Me and Y/n walked back home after we finished going to the park, That last flirty line Y/n said actually made me hard

I was sweating like crazy when Y/n was so close to me, I don't know if she likes me or just being a fun friend...

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