No-Clipped From Reality

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Birds chirped outside. The wind blew softly, and the trees rustled from it. Green woke up and slowly opened his eyes. The morning light came in from the window and shined on Green's eyes. He moaned softly as he raised himself up to sit upright. He yawned as he stretched his arms. Finally, a new day comes once again.

He exited his room and walked downstairs to greet his friends. "Good morning.", he said. "Good morning, Green.", Red responded while the other two sticks waved. Second wasn't there yet, of course. Green chuckled softly. He joined the others on the table as Blue happily placed the meal on the table.


He entered his room and picked up his guitar, playing it and singing a few songs for a couple of minutes. He couldn't think of anything else to do yet, of course. He was bored.
He eventually finished singing a song, so he put his guitar back. He heard noise outside, could've been the other sticks. Looking out his window, he could see the others playing a sport. He saw them greet Second as he came outside of the house, seemingly wanting to join in. Of course, who would want to pass up a fun game? Green went outside his room and then out the front door. "Hello. What're you guys playing?"
Red was spectating the others, so he came to Green. "We're playing a game of volleyball. Wanna join?"
Green laughed. "You bet!" He took a step forward, but something somehow immediately felt wrong. But before he could pinpoint what it is, he had suddenly fell through the ground. "Whoa!"
Faced with an unexpected situation, Red didn't know what to do, so naturally, he panicked. The others noticed it too. "Red, what happened? Red!" Second ran up to Red who was placing his hands around and on the spot the Green had fell through. Blue ran to Red. "Red, what happened?"
"It's Green. He..." He hyperventilated due to his immense fear and worry.
Red closed his fist tight, clenching it. "He fell through the ground."
"He what?! Red, please tell me you're making this up." Blue placed two fingers on his forehead. He expected another prank or lie.
"I swear I'm not. I saw it, in front of me."


Yellow came near the room and in front of the closed doorway, eavesdropping.
"I swear! I saw him with my own eyes! How many times do I have to tell you?", Red shouted.
"We're just suspicious that what you're saying isn't true.", Second stated.
"Why would I lie to you guys?!"
"Come on, Red. Remember the pranks you pulled on us?", Blue said.
The conversation continued on, while Yellow ran to his computer, scouring the camera footage from the cameras he installed around the house.
He got to one footage.
The camera was panning back and forth in moderate speed. Red can be seen walking towards Green and supposedly saying something. Yellow didn't know, the camera had no audio. But his mouth moved. The camera panned to the left, showing the other three sticks, including Yellow, playing. One second has passed, and the camera panned to the right, to show Red suddenly kneeling down and putting his hand on the ground not long after the camera completely panned to its limit.
Something else caught Yellow's attention in the footage other than Red. He rewinded back, and watched the remaining footage frame by frame. In one frame, he could see Green's head, torso, and arms still above the ground, which was already weird in itself. Where're the legs? The next frame, only part of Green's head was still visible. Then in the next, he was gone. Completely gone. Yellow rubbed his eyes, not believing what he saw. Green falling through the ground is a pretty weird thing to say in itself, yet here the footage is, confirming it. He felt like he had to show this to the others. He grabbed his laptop and ran to the room the others were in.
"Guys, you have to see this." Yellow showed to them the footage.
"No, no. This has to be somehow edited.", Second said, standing up and pacing around the room.
"Hey, I never did anything to it."
"Well, what do we do? Green just... disappeared without a trace and we have to bring him back somehow."
"Hey, hey, take a deep breath. We can't solve this if we keep panicking.", Blue said.
"Yeah, yeah, I guess you're right." Second inhaled deeply. "But we have to do something about this."
"Relax. We'll help you.", Blue assured him.


"Whoa!" Green went through the ground. It became dark for a split second as he fell down. But then, the sudden light almost blinded him, leading him to instinctively closed his eyes. His head hit the floor, and he felt dizzy. Even though this shouldn't be because of the carpeted floor, it still seemed to hurt so bad, but he became unconscious because of the hard hit. The high-pitched ringing drowned out the ambient buzzing in the place as he closed his eyes.

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