Cartoon Survivor Chapter 11

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Red tribe day thirty. Eddy: I know I'm going home next. I need to find out who voted for Ed. It for sure wasn't Sam or Nazz. Granny voted for me to, I need to ask around... Shaggy: Like sure man, I voted for Ed. Eddy: Wait really? Why? Shaggy: Because I knew that someone else would vote Ed. Eddy: Do you know who? Shaggy: Sorry little dude, but like, ask around. Eddy: No need, it just came to me. It was Francine... Granny: We need to get rid of Eddy and Francine. Sam: Damn right we do! If it hadn't been for Shaggy voting for Ed then I would be out of the game! Shaggy: We need Nazz and Daphne to vote with us. Granny: That won't be an issue... Eddy: Francine, we are still on the bottom! Francine: Don't remind me. Eddy: Do you think there could be another hidden immunity idol somewhere? Francine: If there is, it's our only shot at making it farther. We need to get looking now. 

Stan: I am the only player with an immunity idol! I have to play it right. I know Eddy and Francine are targets and are wanted out next. But I need to make sure they stay and the trio of Granny, Shaggy, and Sam go first. They have the game won if they pull in Nazz and Daphne. So one of those three need to go next... Shaggy: Nazz, we should like, join forces in this game. Send Eddy and Francine and Stan home. Nazz: Dude, I am in! Shaggy: Make sure Daphne is on board.

Red tribe day thirty-one. Stan: Good morning Daphne, did Nazz talk to you yet? Daphne: No? Why do you ask? Stan: Well Nazz is going to join Granny, Shaggy, and Sam. Daphne: Seriously? Why would she do that? Stan: She thinks if you join them with her, then the five of you could steam roll through to the final five. Then the three girls take out Sam and Shaggy. Daphne: Granny wouldn't flip on Sam and Shaggy. Stan: Then lets make a move on them... 

Nazz: Daphne! I have a plan! Daphne: Let me guess, try to vote Eddy out again? Nazz: More than that dude! We are going to join forces with Granny, Sam, and Shaggy! Then us girls will take down Sam and Shaggy. Daphne: Wow, that is a great idea... Eddy: There has to be another hidden immunity idol. Francine: I know Eddy. Eddy: Francine! Over here quick, I think I got it! Francine: Really? Eddy: Yep! I got it! Francine: Awesome, we are set! Eddy: Now I have two players I want gone. Nazz and Granny. 

Challenge day thirty-one.  Sonic: Come on in guys! Are you ready for your next reward challenge? All: Yes! Sonic: For your challenge we will be doing a simpler version of the last immunity challenge that could not be completed. You will all slide down the massive waterslide one time. Then once you are off you will dig for a keyring. Use the keys to open a box. Use the knife inside the box to cut through a rope gate and cross the balance beam and raise your flag. The first cartoon to raise their flag wins reward. The reward is a massive advantage in this game. And with only eight days left you want any advantage you can get. Alright, lets get started. 

Sonic: For a huge advantage in the game survivors ready... Go! Everyone slides down! Daphne is the first to get up and start digging for her keyring! Everyone is in on it now, trying to find their keyring. It is another hot day so hopefully this challenge will be over before another cartoon almost dies. (Ten minutes later) Sonic: You've been digging for ten minutes! Do not stop! Do not quit! Shaggy: Like, wow! Sonic: Shaggy is the first to find his keyring! Their are four keys and four locks! Figure it out Shaggy! Francine has her keyring now! Shaggy unlocked his first lock! Francine unlocked her first lock! Granny and Eddy are in this now, they have their keyrings! Eddy and Granny quickly gets their first lock! While Francine has unlocked her box with the knife! She is starting on the rope gate!

Sonic: Half the tribe can't even find their keyrings! Eddy has another lock open, while Granny has opened her box! She is starting on the rope gate but they are spent! Shaggy gets another lock! Stan: Finally! Sam: YEE-HAW! Sonic: Stan and Sam find their keyrings! Eddy has it! He unlocked his box! He can start on the rope gate, Shaggy is in on it to! Stan quickly unlocks his box with the knife! Sam is struggling with the locks while Daphne and Nazz can't even fin their keyrings! Sam: SHUT UP SONIC! 

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