Puppies and school

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Stiles sat on the counter in the kitchen as Derek walked around giving Isaac, Scott, Lydia, Erica, Boyd, and Jackson their food for the day. But yet he would not look at Stiles.  

Just as Stiles was about to leave Derek found his way between his legs smiling at him. Stiles raised an eyebrow and tried to move away from him. Derek held him there.  

"Hey, I need to do something before you go to school," Derek said. He leaned down and put his lips to Stiles'.  

Stiles smiled and leaned up to deepen the kiss. Even sitting there Derek was still taller then him. Stiles lopped his fingers threw Derek's pant loops pulling his closer.  

He moaned into the kiss as Derek's hand moved to his waist pulling Stiles closer. Stiles loved this, when Derek got like this.  

Oh course this didn't last long. "STILES!" Scott yelled. "It's school time!" This time Stiles growled.  

"Can you please control your puppies hun?" He asked. Derek smiled and laughed lightly.  

"At school they're all yours babe." Stiles laughed and jumped off the counter, running to get to school on time

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