Momma of the pack

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Stiles laughed as he helped Isaac with his home work. Lydia was sitting on his bed, along with Allison, Erica, Malia, Cora, Braeden and Kira.  

Liam laid with his head on Stiles' lap. Jackson, Scott, Boyd, Ethan, Aiden, Peter (yes even him), Jordan, Mason and Danny all laid on the floor. Big pack, huh.  

All together there where 20 of them. 11 werewolves, 1 hunter, 1 Whatever Jordan is. (We still don't know). 1 werecoyote, 1 banshee, 1 assassin, 1 kitsune and 3 humans. Fun right? Not really. Sometimes they called him momma.  

He didn't mind that. Isaac sighed as he laded back. "I hate home work momma." He said. "I know cub, but you have to do this." Isaac nodded and got back to work. There was a knock on his door and everyone looked to it.  

Stiles smiled at Derek as he walked in to see what his pups where doing. "Hey Derek." Stiles smiled. "Stiles can I speak with you." The pack looked at him. "Alone" Stiles nodded and got up.  

The pups whined as he left. As soon as they where in another room Derek's lips found his own.  

Stiles smiled into the kiss, slowly pulling away. "I missed that." He whispered.  

Derek smiled, "I did too. But Stiles. You've been an amazing pack momma." Stiles laughed lightly.  

"Yea Thanks, pack daddy." Derek laughed out loud and Stiles faintly heard the pack laughing along with him.  

This was his life now. His amazing boyfriend the pack Alpha. His amazing pack.  

His pups, family. He was one thing to them. To all of them he was and always will be the pack momma.

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