Chapter Eleven

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"Its been almost three days since my sister tore down my walls with her words of demolition."

"Less than twenty four hours ago, since I faced the truth."

"What she said was her truth not mine"

"Every syllable was a lie"

"It feels right"

"She was in the wrong"

"Its not me"

"Its her"

"None of that matters now because I will have him."

"Why don't I feel hurt, is it the knowledge that I'll see her?."

"I'm willing to forgive."

"I'll make myself forget."

"Hoping he will except me."

"Praying she will be the one to want me."

"I .."











"My Lurker.."

"My love"

Eachothers saudade.

~ ☆ ~

"Will you stop flapping you look fine" Landon bitches, throwing himself back onto my bed submerged in a pile of clothing. He has been observing my melt down for about three hours, safe to say he has had enough.

"Fine isn't good enough Landon, its him, I need to look.." I spit, slamming the wardrobe door and shifting through the drawers. Until I find the forest Green suede skirt. Bingo.

"No, no you don't you need to calm down. You've met before sweet, you got this"

My sentence half muffled as I struggle into my tight long sleeved black cotton top. Pushing my head through coming up looking newly birthed just with more stress lines.
"You need to shut your pie hole and search for my suede boots - the thigh highs"

"Black ones?"

"Yes.. " Stepping into the skirt, my feet already cladded with knee high stockings. Every man's weakness.

"Their in my room" I turn to face him a confused expression etched on my face. I hardly ever wear my scarf around him anymore there's no need. Struggling to zip my skirt from behind, Landon notices stepping behind to assist with the tugging.

"What? Why the hell are they in.. you know what no, I don't want to know" Masculine chuckles sound behind me.

"No, no you dont" He whispers in my earned, giving my bum a tap before waltzing out the door, with a smirk.

After smoothing over the skirt, I faced the mirror pleased with the image reflected. My curves complemented perfectly in the sculpting material. Landon appeared tossing the boots to the floor without re entering the room. hurriedly I stepped into them. Before pulling my identity off the rack a deep moss shade to contrast the outfit. Owning almost every colour in the spectrum helps, they are no longer an inconvenience. The day I part with them will feel like I lost a part of me. Stepping to the mirror once more wrapping the chosen silk with precision, I sigh relived I do not have to see my flaw any longer. Attempt to calm my nerves, I remember all the hard work I've put I to reach this moment, As I glide to my desk stroking a finger on the gun metal grey box, of course he had to receive one last package from me.

The Watcher; Draco Malfoy 18+✅Where stories live. Discover now