Chapter Twenty-One

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“I got us coffee large Americano.. no” the two seated sofa to the left of the living room was knocked backwards, the coffee table broken in pieces “dr-draco where are you?”

I saw feet poking from behind the kitchen counter, the kitchen built in a square counters covered three quarters. At this point I had no idea who lay there. My mind fearing the worst.

Take slow steps, the scent of crimson filled my nose. Droplets, puddles of the spilt liquid in my wake. Eyes pinched shut as I crept closer. The tips of my trainers knocked the sole of whomever is sprawled out.

Breathing deep, I snap my eyes open. Sighing in relief.

“Thank-God, its just Landon” Drifting down on bended knee, I access his injuries. Confirming its not his blood, well some is but a vast majority is not. Grabbing his shoulders I begin shaking him. “You best not be dead mother fucker, Landon, wake up” I shook harder.

Landon took a deep inhale, pushing himself back across the floor to lean on a cabinet.

“What? What happened” He said, checking himself for wounds.

“You prick i thought you died” smacking the side of his head with my palm.

“That’s it sweet, smack the concussion out of me your so clever” Clearly not concussed enough.
“Oh fuck off..” Then it hit me like a freight train.

“Where’s  Draco?”

“He isn’t here?” I nodded no, his hues trembled gulping “Someone broke in started attacking us.. I don’t know who”

Who would come into my house and attack them? Barely anyone knows where I live .. who would do such a ..

“Bitch, fucking bitch” I screamed


“Katya” Now on my feet pacing around the kitchen, fingers racking my roots.

“She’s dead” He laughs, Using the counter as support to pull himself up off the floor. “isn’t she”

“Apparently not.. Remember that accident I had?” He nods. Mouth dropping open.

“Yeah ? That was her?” He shakes his head “No, I dealt with the men, they didn’t mention anything”

“She was there Landon”

“Fuck what do we do now?”

Guilt hit me hard. I’ve lost him.

“We don’t sleep or eat until he is home”


That was seven days ago. I’ve been having to convince his friends and job that he is sick. In reality I don’t know if he is breathing.

Hours spent scouring the apartment for clues. A sign where he is or who has him. Days of self destructive acts, curled in his favourite hoodie the smell of him fading.

And it’s all my fault. Katyas revenge.

She is hurting him because of me.

Because of what I did to her. I know I took it too far. Unfortunately, I cannot change the past. Even if I wish I could.

I need to find him, I need to make this right.

Landon is out speaking to contacts, doing illegal MI5 business. Whilst I’m nursing a glass of wine, on the singular sofa we have left. Repeating over and over in my mind.

Be safe, please be safe.

Realising we needed help. I called Blaise, Pansy and Theo to come. That was three days ago, I explained everything no more lies.

The packages, the planned run ins. Exposed myself fully.

Blaise lost it, throwing whatever he could get his hands on around my room, bellowing how he told Draco this was a bad idea. He warned him this wouldn't end well. He was right.

Theodore didn't say much. He scowled, cracking his knuckles as if to restrain himself for slicing my throat.

They left after I receive one hell of a right hook from Miss Parkinson, more than one actually she tackled me to the floor, making sure I felt every emotion she was. Wailing and bawling, how he doesn't deserve this he has lived through enough, how could I. Not one person pulled her off my bruised body. Stating matter of factly that is one blonde hair is harmed on that boy, I will be responsible.

All the blame is on me.

Tears have flowed unrelenting.

The front door swings open, Landon staggers in breathless holding paper in his hands, scarlet smearing his cheek bone.
This was a regular occurrence, he was searching tirelessly. Not just for me. Him and Draco had bounded during those months, hours of gaming, cooking together.

My love was even tutoring Landon, preparing him to resit exams. The messy brunette dreamed of working. Always had, he couldn't get hired.

As a boy, he was neglected by his father. Cast to the side drugs before him. He had little to no education, not by choice. I remember the nights he would have terrible dreams about what he went through, the only way to soothe his was if I read. The Velveteen Rabbit.

“P-please tell me you found something”
God, give me a shot of redemption, I will right my wrongs. Seek forgiveness. Check my case, redeem me.

He huffs, a slight turn of his lip, nothing to guide me into false hope. “I did” Unfolding the paper .. A map “The places circled are warehouses that the Kolakavic family own, he is has to be there”

Jumping from my seating I wrap my arms around him, thankful for him. Sinking into eachother for a moment. Withdrawing to peck his cheek, I pull away snatching the map.

Scanning it closely, three warehouses 15 miles between each, give or take.

I'm coming baby, hold on.

Running to the ceramic dish by the door, I grab the keys to Landons truck.

“Where you going?” He says warily a pinched expression. “Sweetheart wait where are you going?”

“To get my fucking man back. So either come with me or fuck off” I hiss, tucking my new purchase into my back pocket. Hurrying out the door.

“This woman will be the death of me” Landon sighs. Hot on my heels.

She sure will be Landon.

Authors notes: The end is near loves.

How are we all feeling?

The chapters will be shorter than usually.

Let's pray together.

Don't forget to share and vote.

Take care.

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