Episode - 03

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Double update ~ So Next chapter will coming soon ♡♡

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Outside of adi's room


Rajiv is glaring at his sons for sneaking secretly inside their baby brother’s room.

Rajiv ~

Yeah, They tried to obey Rajiv’s order as they didn’t want to disturb Adi before Rajiv explained everything to Adi without overwhelming him

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Yeah, They tried to obey Rajiv’s order as they didn’t want to disturb Adi before Rajiv explained everything to Adi without overwhelming him.

After getting restless for two minutes, all of them returned to Adi’s room from the hall.

Servants kept all  the food trays before Aditya’s Room as Rajiv again instructed not to enter his son’s room unless he ordered .

Rajiv brought all the food inside the room not before giving a deathly glare to his three children who were peeking inside the room like thieves.

Dev is looking like an excited puppy. Obviously as he is the one who is holding Arav’s hand forbidding him from escaping their home and not to make everyone furious.

Dev (sternly) – stop struggling Aru.

Aru whispered – Let me go bhaiyu .. I want to practice.

Dev frowned – for what ?

Aru frowned back – for an exam .

Dev chuckled – Nice joke. Even in my dream, you will top with zero marks in the list.

Aru scoffed – HaHa .. I’m impressed by your humour. Now let me go bhaiyu.

Dev hit him on head – Just shut up and stay here he will be upset if he didn’t see you.

Aru shook negatively – he… 

Karan along with his papa noticed all the drama of his brat brother.

Like Rajiv, Karan is also glaring at Arav who is behaving weird like he never wanted to meet Adi in his entire life .

shut . Up .you . Both or go out now”  Karan whispered slowly.

Karan ~

Karan ~

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