The demon

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Harry: now, did anyone know where you were going before you were attacked?

Maggie: just Lucy, the president of kappa. I heard her thoughts say she had to get rid of me. I thought she meant cut me from rush. 

Mel: of corse it's her. So what now. Is there a spell to defeat her? 

Harry: yes, of course. Somewhere in that 2000-page book, or, uh, "tome" I should say.

Their conversation gets cut off when they heard a cell phone ringing and everyone checks to see if it was their phone ringing but it was mal's phone that was ringing. And Mal ignores the phone call and Maggie wants to know who is calling her. 

Maggie: Mal who was that

Mal: just my Docter Maggie just please focus on the question Harry asked you. 

Maggie starts to think again but the Mal's phone starts ringing and Mal goes out of the room to answer the phone. 

Harry: so let's get reading. 

Mason: I will fill Mal in when she gets back 

Macy gets back from the other side of the room and walks over them to say 

Macy: Or use sodium bicarbonate. Look. 

She put something down and sprinkles something on it and black smoke rises. 

Maggie: Ooh!

Macy: like I said, some king is hydrochloric acid compound. So sodium bicarbonate neutralizes it. 

Harry: oh, well saves a lot of time 

Meanwhile Mal is talking to her Docter in her phone in her bedroom with the door locked

     Mal's phone call 

Mal    Docter 

Mal:  so I lost my baby 

Docter: yes Mal I am so sorry for your lost. 

Mal goes back in the room everyone is in and mason walks up to her and says 

Mason: I will show you what happened while you were out 

Mal: thank you 

Mel: right on, so let's go get rid of Lucy.  

Maggie: stop. We can't just get rid of the president of kappa. 

Mel: we can if she is a demon who killed our mother. 

Mel: what if she's not and you make some scene? 

Macy: guys? 

Mel: Are you seriously scared about ruining rush? 

Maggie: yeah, I am. 

Mel: I can't believe this. 

While Maggie and Mel were arguing Mal was still talking to mason 

Mal: so you guys found out that Lucy is the demon who killed my mom 

Mason: yeah 

Mal: really? This feels to easy for Lucy to be the demon. 

Mason: I know right 

Then mason and Mal have this moment where they stare at each other for a long time. 

Mal: well I think we should really go. 

Mason agreed and they go to where everyone else is 

Maggie: I'm sorry I want a life when this is over. 

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