Let this mother out pt2

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Mal walks in her mom's old room now maggie's room to her

mal and mel is now walking into the room with the big book of spells and startles maggie into dropping the bong she made her mom when she was 8 years old when mel stops it from dropping. 

maggie: okay, are you guys just showing off? 'cause i get it. your powers are way cooler than mine.

mal: actually mags mine is a lot worse than yours i destroy everything i touch and what is worst about that is that my baby might inharet that. 

mel: why are you two taking a selfie with the mom bong anyway? i didn't realise you were already moving mom's stuff

mal: look, me and mel found a page on spirit boards. it says that there are a legitimate way to commune with the other side. 

macy: but har--

maggie interups 

maggie: dont say his name in this case

macy: he just told us they're vulnerable to tricksters

Mal: maybe he doesn't want us to trust it

Mel: we all heard taydeus say "it's begun" and if some demon uprising is coming, I want to talk to mom

Macy: assuming it's really your mother 

Maggie: our mother 

Mal: we can ask the board more questions 

Mel: Maggie, Mal, and I would know if it really is her. Don't you want answers 

Mel: you ask her why she...

Macy: abandoned me? Yeah of course I want answers—

Mel is interrupted by something glass that Mal was holding break 

Mal: Damn it this was my favorite cup 

Back to what Macy was saying 

Macy: we can't let our emotions confuse us. We have to be smart. We need to find objective evidence. Some way to test if our whitelighters is telling to truth 

Just then the book turns to a page called "Truth serum" 

Mal: woah! It is like a magical Siri. 

Mel: can science explain that? Look, I don't need some truth serum. I believe that is mom's sprit in the board, and I know all she's wanna do is protect us. 

Macy: because you want  to believe it. It's a classic error in reasoning. Confirmation bias. 

Mal: screw reasoning. We're talking about a chance to communicate with our mother. We can't give that up, Macy. 

Mel looks at Maggie and notices she hasn't said anything about the subject 

Mel: don't you want to 

Maggie: of-of course I want to. 

Macy: that boat could be dangerous. 

Mel: sorry. Majority rules. 

Maggie: I think Macy is right 

Mal and Mel: what 

Maggie: I do want to talk to mom it's just Macy made some really good points on why we should use the truth serum first 

Mal: ok I guess she is right mel we should use the truth serum 

Mel: fine 

Skip till morning 

Macy is looking at the flowers 

Maggie: why not Meghan markle

Mel: oh no not this again where is our little sister 

Maggie: sleep

Mel: we are not naming har... our whiteligher Meghan markle

Macy: I think it's perfect because he is British

Mal: well so is Little mix doesn't mean I am naming them Meghan markle

Maggie: can you wake up Mal 

In Mal's room is getting dressed and thinking about Mateo when mateo appears 

Mateo: hey Mal

Mal: hey what are you doing here 

Mateo: I don't know. You were thinking about me weren't you 

Mal: how did you know that not that I was 

Mateo: Harry told me and Taylor yesterday that one of the charmed ones will be emotionally connected to us we would appear when they start thinking about us.

Mal: I have to go my classes I missed some much because of James and our baby I want to get my degree 

Mateo: your pregnant 

Mal: I was but I Miscarried my baby I found out the night I found out James was cheating on me 

Mateo: he have to be a complete dumbass to cheat on you

Mal: what time is it 

Mateo: 10:00 

Mal: Shit! I am so late I have to go Mateo 

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