How you meet (5sos)

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(y/n = your name)


I stood in the corner with a plastic cup filled with coke, watching everybody else. There were people dancing, some grinding on each other and some just sat there making out. I hated parties. I sighed and looked down at my cup, suddenly feeling a presence beside me.

"You look really bored.." I looked up at the stranger to be met with a pair of beautiful brown eyes. He smiled and took a swig of whatever was in his cup, looking down at me.

"Yeah...I'm not a fan of these things but my friend made me come.." I mentioned looking away slowly.

He chuckled, looking at everyone else, then looking back at me.

"I'm Calum, what's your name beautiful?"

I smiled and blushed softly, "I'm y/n".


I sat at the table in the restaurant waiting for my date to show up. I looked around hoping to see him, but no luck. I sighed and slumped back into my seat, grabbing my drink and looking at it.

I was starting to get pitiful looks from a couple of people, and a few waiters who passed me. I heard the door open, and sat up quickly looking over, but saw an elderly couple instead of my date.

I started tearing up, sighing throwing the napkin down onto the table. I was about to get up when a guy sat down in front of me. I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him.

"Hey love, sorry I got held up.." He said loud enough for people to hear, sitting down again, watching him. He was kinda cute...He leaned in closer, making his voice quieter. "I saw you sitting alone and about to cry, so I came over...whoever stood you up is a dick...I'm Luke"

I smiled softly, looking into his eyes. "Thank you for doing this...I'm y/n"


I ran into the gaming store, hoping to get the new zombie game that came in this morning. I looked around all the shelves until I finally found it. I smiled wide and reached out when another hand reached and grabbed it. I looked at the guy walking away and followed him. "Hey! I was about to grab that. I need it, it's the last one".

He turned and looked at me confused, "I'm sorry what?"

"That game? In your hand. It's the last one and I wanted to buy it."

He raised an eyebrow looking at me, "You? Sorry, but you don't seem like the type of girl who's into these types of games" He laughed.

"Don't be sexist. I'm more into video games than I am dresses and shit. So can I please have that game?"

He smirked holding it out. "On one condition"

I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow. "Which is?"

He stepped closer, handing me the game. "I get your number...and you let me come over and play it with you". I looked down at the game, then up into his eyes, thinking about it. I shrugged softly.


He smiled, "I'm Michael, by the way".


I walked into Starbucks, hiking my bag further up my shoulder so it doesn't fall. Looking around, there weren't many people inside today, an elderly couple in the corner, a man in a fancy suit on his phone and a group of four boys.

I walked over to the counter, ordering my favourite. I got it, I paid and walked over to a table in the corner, dropping my bag beside me. I took a couple of sips, letting my eyes flutter close, enjoying the taste, and the warmth. 

I smiled putting the cup down, pulling my notebook and pen out of my bag, and crossing my legs. I flipped to the current page and started writing.

After half an hour, a napkin was dropped onto my table. Furrowing my eyebrows, picking it up. I opened it, and it read:

Noticed you sitting over here alone...
I wanted to come over and say Hi, but I was too nervous...So I did this instead...
You're really beautiful, and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime...Here's my number, call me? xxx-xxxxx
Ashton x

I smiled softly and looked up and around. I noticed a guy with brown curly hair and hazel eyes, looking over at me smiling. He was cute...I smiled back and grabbed my phone adding his number...I texted him.

To Ashton:
Hey...I'm y/n...

Let's see where this goes...

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