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"Have you packed your bag?" Amma asked her son, who stood shovelling cereal into his mouth.
"He did it last night," Imani answered for him as she lent against the kitchen counters drinking her tea.
"Good, what about-" Their mum was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"I'll get it," Ats volunteered.

Imani stood behind him and felt the cold outside and the slight breeze entered the house when her brother revealed two armed possibly police officers standing behind their front door.
"Mum?" Both children called out confused and hesitantly.

Amma approached the door and let out a sigh.
"Are you Amma Ayittey?" the woman asked.
"Yes, now who are you?"
"We're from the Uk's Immigration Service, can we come in?" The man answered.
"Get your things, both of you," She ordered Attica and Imani out the house and with a few muttered words here and there, the siblings were pushed out the door and towards the stairwell.

"It's too early man," Mani complained rubbing her eyes.
"You're lucky. I got school," Her brother whined making her laugh.
"Yeah that sucks imagine."
"Shut up," Ats laughed pushing her into the wall and started a play fight between them both.


Imani's POV:

I was walking up to the Tovell's brothers' door when I heard shouting, making me jog up and hurriedly let myself in with the key I had been given.

Now that I was inside I noticed it was only Jamie who was shouting so I relaxed a bit as I walked into the living room.

"You alright?" I asked looking in between the two eldest.
"This fucker stole my money," Jamie said still waiting for an explanation.

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry. I was taking a girl out the other day and I wanted to show her a good time."
"You wasted my fucking money on some girl?" Jamie asked in disbelief.
"Not just some girl bro. I think we're getting serious you know?" Aaron replied defensively.
I struggled to hold in my laugh as I slipped out the room without them noticing to find Stef.

I knocked on his bedroom door.
"Yo!" he said so I took that as an Ok for me to go in.
"Mani!" He stood up and gave me a hug before showing me his tie. "Can you do it please? Jamie fucked it up."
I laughed and redid it.
"Thank you," he said with relief.
"No problem but watch that mouth little man," I said jokingly but he knew I meant it as Jamie never liked him to swear.

I went into Jamie's room and hung up his trapstar coat that I had stolen the night before when he came in without me noticing. I went on my tiptoes to hang it up in his wardrobe when he grabbed my hips from behind me. As if on reflex, I turned around and slapped him making him take a step back.

"Sorry, sorry," I panicked but was also finding it quite hilarious and struggled to stifle my laugh.
He shook his head laughing before sitting on the side of his bed.

"Nah actually sorry though, did I hit you hard?" I asked standing in front of him and making him look up so I could quickly check his fine face over.
"Nah you're cool," he laughed and brung me closer so that I sat beside him with my legs going over his lap as he took my shoes off for me.

"What're you doing today?" I asked looking up at the ceiling.
"Not much, I gotta tell the Fields about the turks, chat to the new dealers and do Stef's parents evening tonight. Other than that, I'm all yours," he said jokingly.

"Shit! That's tonight?" I said standing back up and hurriedly putting my shoes back on.
"Yeah, what's the rush?" he asked me confused.
"I was meant to link up with Shelley and Lauryn tonight so i'll just run over now instead."

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