Class of 1978

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Sirius and James had finally begun to come around; James more than the latter. Everyone had been expecting their disapproval, it was inevitable, but it was better than they previously believed. Lily, Alice and Remus were proud of Fawn and Peter for doing their own thing. Remus admitted that it probably would have been better if he did the same.

Peter was back to his normal self. He was full of smiles, offering his friends sweets from Honeydukes at every available moment, and laughing loudly at jokes like he'd always done. The tension had slowly dissipated and seventh year was coming to a positive end.

Before they knew it, it was graduation. An event, exclusive for seventh year and their family on the Saturday morning before students returned home.

"I can't believe it's over," said Marlene, finishing a sharp winged eyeliner.

  "Me too." Alice ran a hand through her short hair, the new diamond ring shining in the sunlight.

"You're getting married in two months Al," said Lily, "Are you nervous?"

  She shook her head, a large smile gracing her features. "Not at all. Frank and I have been together for over three years now. There's no one I'd rather spend the rest of my life with."

Frank had proposed on their three year anniversary in April. Alice had said yes of course, and the four of the girls had been planning like crazy between school-work and quidditch practice. Everything was happening so fast but given there was a war raging outside of the safe-haven that is Hogwarts, it was hardly surprising.

Lily finished applying the final layer of blush on her cheeks and turned to us, her eyes sparkling. "It's all very exciting isn't it?" she asked. "We're starting our new lives. I'm becoming a healer. You two," she motioned to Alice and Marlene, "are becoming aurors and Alice will be married. And Fawn's doing Curse-Breaker training. And on top of that, we're all doing something to help the war effort. I'm so excited and proud of all of us."

The excitement would be short-lived once facing the real-world but Fawn let the girls revelle in it. For right now, they'd be graduating in less than an hour and still had a full week of relaxation in front of them before having to worry about Order meetings or starting work.

The stadium was packed with families. It was like a quidditch match on steroids. People were screaming to their relatives and waving. Some even had signs. The seventh years were lined up in alphabetical order, starting with Gavin Avery and ending with Cole Wilkes. Fawn was third in line, right after Sirius. At least she'd be getting it all over with quickly.

Dumbledore gave a long winded speech and the heads of houses followed, letting the students melt under the unusual heat.

"If Slughorn says he's proud of us one more time I will murder someone," grumbled Remus. Marlene, who was in next, after him, snorted.

"Without further ado, let's begin the graduation of the class of 1978."

Thirty minutes passed and finally every student had received their diploma. "Now," McGonagall cleared her throat, "for a few words from our Head girl and boy. Ms. Evans please approach the stand."

Lily's speech was completely inspiring and it would be shocking if someone hadn't gotten at least a tiny bit emotional at her words. Out of her friends, there was not a dry eye by the end. Sirius claimed allergies but everyone knew otherwise.

"And next, a word from Mr. James Potter."

He looked different. James' hair was slicked back, having finally given into his father's potion and his posture was stiff. Sweat beaded along his hairline. His strides were brisk. Hands wiped against slacks, before he murmured the Sonorous charm to amplify his words.

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