Super Mario

105 14 4

Bright's words echoed in Win's ear many times.

Let's get out of here.

Huh? Win answered.

I said, let's get out of here. Bright repeated.

I heard you. Where should we go? Win asked with an expecting heart.

Bright smiled. You'll see when we get there.

Bright stood up then walked.

Win suddenly felt excited but nervous at the same time.

He stood up and followed Bright, feeling a little reluctant.

Bright paused and looked behind him.

He sighed.

Win did follow up but he was three steps away and is not matching his pace.

He walked back then pulled him.

The girls who were shipping them were gasping on the background.

Some started to squeal.

They are like seeing a manga scene happening in live action.

Come on! Bright said with his famous grin. Looked at Win then winked at him intentionally, making sure he satisfies the fujoshi's and fudanshi's who were watching.

He pulled him in the waist after making sure their viewers heart's were filled with giggles.

Win was enveloped with embarrassment. He couldn't help but cover his face as they walked towards where Bright's car was parked.

When they were inside, Bright couldn't help but laugh.

Surely, we'll be the talk of the town. He said.

Win looked at him amazed.

Bright has never paid attention to their shippers in the past.

But now, he was like, letting the whole campus know that they were really an item.

But are we? Win couldn't help ask himself.

There was never a confirmation, but the feelings seems to be surreal.

Or do we really need to acknowledge that we are now indeed a couple?

Should I ask Bright?

Win kept asking inside.

Bright drove for around fifteen minutes.

Win was expecting them to go home but ended up getting a little disappointed.

He was kinda expecting a lovey dovey scene after, but instead they went to the city's business center then entered one of the building's parking lot.

Where are we going? Win asked the now serious Bright.

Bright unbuckled his seatbelt then looked at Win.

Let's go. He said in a flat tone.

Win again felt reluctant in following Bright.

But since they were here, this maybe something important.

They walked then rode the elevator in silence.

After reaching the tenth floor, Bright walked outside and Win followed.

It was a typical office and building set up in the business district.

Glass walls everywhere, office labels, few plants on the corners.

They reached a reception area and Win saw that it was a law office.

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