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Item #: SCP-4434

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Outpost-4434 has been constructed adjacent to AOE-4434 for the purposes of research and surveillance, and is designed to house 15 or fewer personnel for long-term assignment.

Figure A

As SCP-4434-A instances manifest irregularly and cannot be accurately tracked or predicted, containment efforts are dedicated to preventing entry into the property. Posted signage around the perimeter of and at the driveway entrance to the property containing SCP-4434 states that trespassing is prohibited. Persons who successfully arrive at AOE-4434's address via SCP-4434-A and exhibit signs of severe cognitohazardous influence are to be detained until after effects subside; Class-B amnesticization is mandatory for release. Detained persons who are not anomalously affected and appear to be strictly trespassing may be transferred to Site-42, Site-626, or into the custody of state law enforcement at the discretion of supervising personnel.

Description: SCP-4434 is the designation for a group of interconnected anomalies, detailed below. SCP-4434 is located in or under — or, potentially, is nonphysically associated with — a small valley on a remote plot of private land south of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. From an elevation of 65 meters above sea level downward, aetheric resonance imaging indicates a high concentration of thaumaturgic particles has settled in the valley and is now stationary; this is referred to hereafter as AOE-4434. SCP-4434 has four components:

DesignationDescriptionSCP-4434-AAdvertisements which manifest temporarily in the WV/VA/MD tri-state area on billboards, in print, and digitally; contain a Class II Textual Cognitohazard with a short-term compulsion effect; provide the address of AOE-4434 and apparently compel the subject to seek it out; when photographed, display as blank white space; Figure A is a non-anomalous recreation of one such advertisement, with sensitive information redacted.SCP-4434-BOne amorphous entity; likely sapient; capable of vocalization in at least four languages; appears to the naked eye as singular or multiple living organisms, with form based upon a concept or memories considered personally significant to the subject; convinces the subject to descend further into AOE-4434 and into range of SCP-4434-C.SCP-4434-C25 entities physically similar to deer and behaviorally similar to canine pack animals; sentient; cannot manifest above a height of 50m from sea level; will lethally attack and consume subjects before proceeding into SCP-4434-D and remanifesting the next time a subject is present.SCP-4434-DHole in ground at base of AOE-4434 with 3.5m diameter; unknown depth due to apparent anomalous spatial characteristics; drone exploration yields equipment failure before successful transmission of data; results of human exploration detailed in addenda.

The current hypothesis as to SCP-4434's nature is that it is a Class IV Conceptual Predator which uses its components to bait and consume prey via SCP-4434-D. However, this is based upon context obtained from the document included in Addendum II and cannot be objectively confirmed. It is unknown if SCP-4434 is sentient or only some of its components.

History: The Foundation investigated the street address listed on all SCP-4434-A instances following a significant increase of missing person reports in the area and detected the thaumaturgic abnormalities in AOE-4434 immediately; personnel were stationed at AOE-4434 from that point forward until and after Outpost-4434 was constructed in July 2009.

State records indicated that before and up to its point of discovery in 2008, a man named Richard Redkinne owned the property containing SCP-4434. Redkinne was contacted following investigation into property records and interviewed by Information Security Department personnel under the cover of federal investigation into a crime committed on the property without his presence. He claimed that the property did not ever experience any abnormal events while he resided on it, but was frequently the subject of fiction stories created by his daughter, who purportedly had a considerable interest in witchcraft and the occult. She fell into the nearby Shenandoah River and drowned one week before anomalous effects manifested; Redkinne claims she likely wrote the document transcribed in Addendum II.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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