Dumb little omega!

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Eijirou left Izuku's house to go into his own, which was just a few blocks away, since  it was a school night. He was tired after a long day with his best friend doing all sorts of things and enjoying their time together. But he knew his mother was going to scold him since it is a bit late, but he had a good excuse, He finished all his homework, so he could just go straight to sleep, and she wouldn't make him do it once he got home. As he walked, distracted in his thoughts, as he suddenly runs into the ash blonde once again. "HA!? You again? You must be kidding me!?" Katsuki rolled his eyes and sighs, turning the other way to walk off, since he was heading home as well. Kirishima recognized the blonde spiked hair as the guy who kicked Midoriya before. 

But he did feel a little guilty for hitting him since he was an alpha, well no- it's because he was you know... hurt? from the punch since he was pretty mad about it. So Kiri grabbed his arm and pulls on his sleeve as he bowed, " I-i'm so sorry for earlier today, Pls forgive me and if you want to you can hit me back i-it's only fair!!" 

Bakugou made a face and pulls his arm back, scoffing, "Wtf are you talking about?  Hitting someone like you being that weak, please! Like if I could lower myself to your level!? Don't Underestimate me, jackass" Bakugou gave Kirishima a glare as he bowed down hopelessly. Bakugou sighs and did his usual 'tch' as he told him to get up. "Whatever, but are you friends with Deku?" Kirishima nods as his eyes shined like rubies on a display in an exotic museum, they seemed so pure and gentle,as they managed to stand out in the middle of the darkness of night. 

Which got Katsuki easily distracted but since he was a man of focus and nothing but concentration he gave him a glare placing his hands in his pockets." B-but why do you ask?" The black haired omega looked all sorts of directions, sort of panicking since Bakugou wouldn't stop staring at him so coldly. "That's none of your concern dumbass and Good for you then Good night" He walks off and Kiri blushed. 

"H-hey my name is not dumbass it's Ei-" He was cut off by Bakugou's quick and raspy tired voice. "I don't remember asking, low ranked idiot!" Kirishima quickly blushed embarrassed and a mixture of admiration, cause his tired voice was just so hot!! Bakugou took another look at the Omega as he turned into a little tomato, his cheek flushed with red and a tint of light pink making his shinny eyes sparkle under the street laps. He looks so helpless it's adorable, Bakugou chuckles and continued to walk off  thinking about the omega silently. As the black haired teen walks off, all embarrassed and flustered.




~ Once Katsuki got home ~




Katsuki walked into his house a bit later than usual, which did cause his mother to yell all the way from the kitchen, "KATSUKI, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Katsuki just rolls his eyes and ignores his mother, while Masaru (His father) greets him and invites him to eat since he looked like he needed a break. "Welcome back home, Katsuki, How were your study sessions?"  

Katsuki sat down lazily as always and sighs, "It's the same shit every single time the stupid teacher won't stop nagging like the old hag and I already know most of the stuff, so I don't even see the point of me going anymore!".Masaru chuckles and leans back in his chair taking a sip out of his soda can " Even so you need to know the anatomy of the omega and of the alpha it's self it is an obligation so at least try to participate" (and yes Masaru is a cool dad, and you can't tell me otherwise) Katsuki continued to eat sighing. 

"Did you even take theses shitty classes?" His father nods as Mitsuki his mother walks in all grumpy as usual " Katsuki I asked where have you been!?" Katsuki just looks at her tired and continued to eat completely ignoring her question which made her blood boil as she slowly approached him but Masaru got up and grabs her waist pulling her close gently grabbing her hand and smiles "Oh honey give him a break he's been working hard recently those classes are really draining him out mits~" 

Mitsuki clam down instantly still not use to his random flirts and affection. So she scoffs and sighs "Yeah Whatever" Katsuki gently smiles God I fucking love my dad he's always got my back what would I do without my old man Katsuki though as he finished his plate as his father took his mother to the couch to continue to calm her down scrolling through the shows as he held her close. Katsuki ate silently and when he finished he washed his plate and went upstairs, "Night, Champ!" Exclaimed his father from the couch as Katsuki Walks up the stairs with his little wave as a response.

As soon as he walked into his room, he sits on the bed and inhales and exhales, allowing a long sigh to unfold itself into the cold air in his room. "God, what a fucking day.." Bakugou said softly as he began to get ready to take a shower. As he walks to the bathroom with his mind filling its self with the image of the black-haired omega he recently talked to reminding himself of those ruby eyes, gently cheeks and those dumb little looks he managed to pull of and not to mention the little scar that was on his upper eyelid on his left eye. Oh how badly I wish I could get to know him though I have to focus on many other things because rn is very important since I'm filling out that application of high school so for the time being I have to concentrate on that now! But now that I think of it... I'm not the best at expressing myself to others if I don't like something I can easily say it but when I do like something I don't know what to do or say, UGH! So much for being so big and mighty!!

Bakugou's thoughts and imagination unfolded as he showered and headed to bed, since he had finished all his work at school and in the café he usually goes too with the calming atmosphere. Once he laid down he stares at the ceiling with exhausted eyes that made him look better but he thought that the baggy eyes made him look weak so he slept earlier to dodge anything that would change his looks negatively. Closing his eyes and getting comfy, he let out a long sighs and seconds later he falls into the night's wonderful dream land...

HEY HEY HEY! How are you guys doing? I hope you enjoyed this chapter or part and I hope to see you in the next one BYE!!

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