Four heads are better than one

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Meekly the girl complied. She was led through doors and dark corridors towards a darkened dungeon. "Lord Eberhard, he is still alive, faintly breathing but still alive." The lord motioned to his men and his handy man was strapped to a metallic chair. A lantern was brought to his face and that sent the woman by his side flinching. "It is okay darling, it is okay." He pulled at the girl roughly. "Do you know him?" His voice was as soft as silver. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at the man that was strapped to a chair. "Yes." It was a small murmur. "Why yes, I bet you do." Eberhard snatched the robe off her body and she was naked with the biting cold eating at her. "What are you doing?" Her voice was weak from fear. "Oh, you will see child, you will see."

He manhandled her and brought her to her knees. The roughness of his palm squeezed at the tenderness of her peaks. She screamed out in pain. "Ah so it is true then. You are with child, and he is responsible." The girl tried shaking her head no, but Eberhard's rough hand had her facing the other side. Tears beamed her eyes, and a loud noise filled her ear. "Well love, let me show you what happens to women who fuck my servants." He snapped his fingers, and the top of Blasius head came falling off.

She screamed even louder and felt the bile in her mouth. "No? But it is only the beginning dear, only the beginning." He gripped her by the roots of her hair and plunged himself deep in her mouth, the sound of her choking and struggling for breath gave him the required strength and energy needed. Once satisfied with the poor girl's attempts he tossed her aside and motioned for his men, they could have their way with her and if she survived then she would be tossed out in the streets, if not then to her lover's grave. The door closed on the last of her screams and Eberhard made his way to his rooms.

"A fine course for a fine evening." Evander said cheerfully. He was finally going to eat something cooked by talented hands and not the raw aquatic animals he was forced to live on. "Do not touch my wine." Eberhard threatened. The lord took his seat at the head of the table and so did the three men. Two of which stared daggers at each other. He cleared his throat. "I do not have time for childish games. Why are you here Johnny?" Johnny held his breath as the servants went about placing various dishes, once the last of them was gone he spoke. "Clearly you have heard of the ship, De la en Glässer?" "Even the lowest of peasants knows that the ship is a scam." "A scam, is it?" Johnny turned to his enemy. "Well that scam kept me alive for seven damned years and I was drained off all acceptable standards of a fine lord and placed with the excruciating ways of a low man- a pirate!" "Aha!" Evander jumped up catching the attention of the men, even the servants looked up. "I always knew he was a pirate. Bloody scandal, keeping quiet and making me a fool."

"You are already one." Someone whispered underneath their breaths. The fat man went unnoticed. "And what about it? If it is real, why should we care?" "Oh, you should." It was Evander that cut Johnny short of his well-rehearsed speech. "That ship is a killing machine. It leaves no survivors." "Clearly it missed one." Evander's head snapped to Theobald and the man had a challenging look. Johnny gripped the table knife. "It is indeed a killing machine, equipped with the latest devices and hard weapons. Machinery even the good king has not heard of. If the ship falls into the wrong hands, that means power to the wrong party and the sea will not be approachable nor safe." "Interesting." "That ship holds authority, great power and riches."

"Quiet you bustard." The knife missed Evanders face by a hairline and stuck itself to the fine painting on the wall. "It is not that bloody ship I am after it is where the damned captain is taking it and what he aims at getting. I am not sure how far they have sailed but if there is one thing I have learnt about Macmillan is that he sails slow but surely and always gets his hand on his price." Johnny placed a worn-out map on the clearing of the table. The three men moved closer. "The map to the riches of the Ivnany Alexandris. Ivnany is not its real name of course, but just a name that was chosen for the map to the treasures of Shoshana islands."

Love At Sea: De La en Glässer Where stories live. Discover now