Terrible mistakes

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"You once asked," Macmillan gripped both her hands. He could feel her swallow and shake in his grasp. "How to earn your place on my ship?" Bernadette fought with her tongue. "I already earned it you bastard." She spat on him. Anger flared up in him and he had to control his temper. There was nothing stopping him from running his blade through her lying tongue, not even the stupid feelings he had developed for her, but he was a man of proper standards. A mess on his ship would take hours to clean. "Cockerell." He called to his first man. Cockerell moved to the ropes that held one of the small broken rolling boats. "If you die or even end up lost, greet the devil for me you daughter of a whore." Before she knew what was happening a dump clothe was placed over her nose and she felt herself lose all sense of thought. The last thing she felt was the blistering wood on her skin as the boat hit the rough surface of the water.

"Bloody bastard let me in, let me in this instance or else I will have your tongue cut out! I am a respectable man of society, I can have your family deep in tranches." Lord Eberhard of Seaxtus missed his second ball at his game of billiards. "Shit." He cursed out loud. He turned to his handyman. "Blasius tell me, for how long has that profanity of a man been banging on my door?" Blasius pulled out a golden watch and flipped the lid open. He studied the ticking hands for a second before responding with "one minute and two seconds my lord." "Damn it you devil open this door, open this door at once or-" "Damn it!" It was Lord Eberhard's fourth ball, a loss he did not want to acknowledge.

"Admit it Eberhard, you are growing old and have lost your touch." Eberhard stepped aside and watched Theobald take a shot. He had manged to score another three points, giving him a total of twenty-three to nineteen. "Just two more points and I win the bet my good friend." Eberhard scoffed. "Not with that pounding you will not." Theobald cast a look at the closed door. "Maybe he has come to pay his debts, he is after all a respectable man of society that can with the flick of his writs put a family in the trenches." Eberhard leaned against the pool table and cleaned the sweat off of his forehead. "He is a miserable champ that would do anything to get but his respectable name. That infamous fool." He missed his shot again making his good friend the winner.

"Blasius fetch us one of the best drinks from my fine wine collection." The man Blasius bowed before existing the room. Theobald looked at his friend with jolly eyes. "Fine you win but I will get back at you next time." Begrudgingly, Eberhard placed a bag of newly made coins on the table top. Theobald snatched them and with each passing minute the coins were distributed to the inner pockets of his inner coat. The wine was good but not as good as the nude woman that stood at the far corner dancing to the low hum of the song while keeping the gents entertained. Theobald motioned to one and she obeyed, walking slowly, seductively while swaying her hips. "I think we should let him in, hear what he has to say." Theobald managed to say as the wonton kept on repeating sinful kisses on his throat. "I know what that old beggar wants to say. The disrespect!" Eberhard stood with range and the clash of the glass halted the musicians. "The audacity! The man is half nude in a bathrobe. I cannot be seen with the likes of him."

Theobald stared at the brown of the woman's eyes. "Go get yourself and your sisters refreshed and something to eat. We have a guest we need to attend to." "Promise me you will come looking for me." Bold she was. Theobald had to give it to her as she straddled him and rubbed the wetness of her clit on his hard growing self. Despite him being fully clothed, he could feel her vulva enticing him. "I promise my love." She stood up and placed a silk robe on her skin. The rest of the executants moved out the door.

"Blasius have the guards let him in. Let us get on with this now." Theobald got to his feet and moved for the table that was placed at a corner of the room. "Before Hahnemann is let in, there is something I would like to tell you. As lord of Seaxtus I believe you have power to do anything over here and anyone, mostly those with money would invest which brings us more coins to our pockets." Eberhard scoffed. "Money will be the death of you." "And soft clit will be yours." Theobald replied. "A lord is not a lord without money and fame to his name." Eberhard found himself walking up to the table. "You are a lord, a mighty fine one at the Theobald, why not you do it yourself?" "Because-" Theobald was cut from his speech.

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