"I hate you." "I know."

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Description: Of course, per usual, the boys are fighting again, the boys in question being Roger and David. Perhaps a game of pool will cool them both down with the time they're left alone.

"You are driving me absolutely fucking wild Roger," the shorter man says while the other practically towers over him, he backs up after seeing the mans face change expression within seconds. Of course, this always happens during recordings, one man nags about the way the song is played, the other nags about it being great, they go back and forth rambling on the quality of their album while the other two men watch silently.

"I'm doing this band a favour, and if you don't like it, you can gladly escort yourself out. Besides, I'm the one doing all the writing, look at you, you haven't done shit besides a guitar strum here and there!"

David takes offence to this, practically shoving Roger, his shoddy attempt to knock him down only causing the man to chuckle. He storms out the recording room, leaving Roger standing in his dust while the drummer and keyboardist glare at the bassist.

"What?" He shrugs, knowing that he can easily console David when he's in one of his moods, it happens much more often and he's adapted to it, the same way David adapted to Roger moods in the early days, "Alright alright, I get it, give me an hour."

In a recording studio this big, sometimes it's hard to speculate which room David will be in this time. He walks and walks, going into the bathroom to see if he's there, yet nothing. He leaves and continues checking the ground floors, yet no trace of David. The basement, of course he'd be somewhere like that. He walks down the steps and catches a glimpse of David tossing darts at the target settled on the wall. He stays quiet as he watches the man take his frustration out onto the target, if he knew better, he'd probably think David was seeing his face as the target. As much as he hates to admit, David and him have always had this bond, or well, benefits with one another. The others obviously don't know about this, and they would rather keep it that way. The filthy secret Roger also holds is that he's had this benefit with Syd as well before he left, of course he would much rather keep it to himself. He always thought Syd was the one to be there for him, and it was true before everything occurred, leaving him empty, empty before David came along and filled that gap. Finally, he decides to speak up when David sets the dart down.

"Nice throw," he says with a small smile, stepping out the shadows and walking over to the pool table, picking up one of the billiards and arranging the 8-balls within their rack. David lowered his defences thinking he was alone, flinching when he heard the man talk suddenly.

"Christ, don't you knock," David says in an annoyed tone that quickly changes into one of curiosity, "What're you doing?" He's handed a chalked up billiard, trying to comprehend what had happened while he watches Roger position himself, the billiard nested between his fingers.

"Pull the rack up, get into position, start the damn game, I asked the others for an hour, c'mon have a go. A "friendly competition" between you and I Dave." Roger grins, brushing his hair out of his eyes to take his first shot. Obviously David knows what he means by a friendly competition, he just didn't think now was an appropriate moment.

"Not now, why do you only do this during times like these and not when I'm all alone at home," David's confusion turned into an exasperated one as he leaned against the pool table, knuckles turning white from how hard he's gripping it. David loved a shag with Roger, he always loved the way Roger was always so demanding, yet careful with what he was doing. Though some days, his mind wouldn't glaze upon the idea at all, now was one of those days. He was practically shouting at Roger, who desperately tried getting him to lower his voice before the others came along.

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