Chapter 1:No Sweets Allowed!

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Freddie James May:17,John Richard Taylor:19

George Michael:17,Jim Seamous Hutton:18,Paul Prenter:19,

Seamous Hutton(Jim's Dad/Barber):35

its the 1980s,17 year old Freddie is the son of Brian May,a Rich Dentist but Freddie often sneaks a few sugary sweets to bed with him when his dad isn't watching since Freddie isn't really allowed to eat sweets in the house because of the sugar. Leading the 17 year old to hide when he has a cavity or two but Brian's Engaged and soon to be Married to Roger Taylor also a dentist.


November 1st 1980,Monday

Freddie's p.o.v

Hey There!

I'm Freddie and i'm 17.My Dad,Brian May(39)is a Rich Dentist but i often sneak a few sugary sweets into bed with me because dad doesn't allow sweets in the house since he's a dentist and all about perfect oral hygiene so i often hide when i have a cavity or a few cavities from him but Dad's engaged to another Dentist,Roger Taylor(37),he and his son,John(19)have moved in with us.

John is a goodie two shoes and tattles whenever i try to sneak sweets to bed with me that's resulted in punishments often having to clean my room or wash the cars(Dad's car and Roger's car).The Worst punishment is having to clean The Dental office in the house because it stinks of disinfectant so dad doesn't really use that punishment much after the last time( i was sick)."Rise and Shine!",Dad pulled open my curtains, its November 1st,the day after Halloween,i had to take John with me last night.

I had gone Trick or Treating and got a lot of Sugary sweets and Chocolate bars....I had taken off me and given to John."Go away,i still hate you",Dad rolls his eyes at me."get up,get dressed",he says,"Go away",i whine.Dad hauled me over his shoulder,made me change into clothes which are a hoodie,jeans,trainers."Go Brush",Dad says,his tone stern.I walked into the bathroom"Mouthwash and floss as well!",his Fiance calls from downstairs.

I brushed my Teeth for two minutes,mouthwash for 20 seconds and flossed for two minutes.I went downstairs after using the mouthwash for a final 20 seconds and spitting into the sink.I went downstairs.I walked to dad,put my head on his chest.He chuckled lightly,kissing my head."you're not getting out of it",Dad laughs at my failed attempt to get out of the appointment.

I had managed to sneak a couple sweets to bed last night,i got in the car with dad and Roger and John.Dad drove to His Dental Clinic.I was texting George(Who i have a crush on).We got to Dad's Clinic,he parked,walked me to his exam room(as shown in the above picture).I sat on the chair,Dad pulled on a pair of latex gloves,a mask.Dad clipped a paper bib around my neck.

"Dad,i'm not a baby",i say."so?",he says,reclining the chair back.Roger is of course helping my dad.They set up the Tools.Dad picked up the Mirror and Explorer "open Wide Freddie",I wanted to Refuse."Freddie?",I blacked out.

I came round still on the chair."Dad?the Hell happened?",i ask."you blacked out on us",He says,positioning the light over my mouth."open Wide Freddie teddy",I listened to dad.I hate the scraping of the metal against my teeth.Dad hit a bad tooth."I tell you to brush,you do it,i tell you to floss,you do it.The one thing you didn't listen to me about was sneaking sweets to bed",he scolds."you either tell me what you had last night or its washing the cars",he warns."two bags of Gummy bears",i admit.

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