Chapter: Damned If You Do, and Damned If You Don't

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Abbie prayed to Heaven every night. But no God or angel answered her pleas, but a demon did.

"Class dismissed," Mrs. Hammond excused the class after she finished her lecture. Everyone rushed out of class except for Abbie, who calmly walked out. She wasn't hungry - she often didn't have much of an appetite. She ended up at the swing set, thinking about her parents, as she often did.

She swung on the swing set for a while when one of the younger grade girls - her name was Suzie, if she remembered correctly -  sat down on the swing beside her and began to speak.

"I can take care of them for you," Abigail stopped swinging. "And it won't even cost you anything..." She turned to look at the young blonde. "For ten whole years." Abbie paused, she was confused but she still considered the offer, when Suzie's eyes suddenly turned red before returning to their normal color. Startled, Abbie continued to stare at her.

"Who- What are you? Take care of who?"

"Your parents, darling. I'm a crossroads demon. I can kill your parents for you, and no one would ever be the wiser."

Deep down Abbie knew it was probably stupid; Who makes a deal without knowing the price? But she was desperate. And she would do anything to keep her sister safe, to escape their parents, to finally be free. And so, she accepted the demon's offer.

Only, it was years later till she found out that the cost of their freedom was her soul, and her life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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