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While Ben and Miranda were having their all night sexcapade, Jackson was sitting at Joe's Bar thinking about everything that had happened the last year. He was still grieving the loss of his and April's baby. He was thinking how he still loved April, but he could no longer be married to her. They were not compatible, and they wanted different things for their lives.

He thought how he wanted to tell her he wanted a divorce, but she got paged for an emergency at work. He had the divorce papers on him that night and wanted to present them to her, but they couldn't get to that part of the conversation because she had to leave.

Now he just wanted to get it over with. He was going to call her and invite her to have breakfast with him to finish the talk they were should have had that night. He went in his work bag to take a look at the papers one last time. He unzipped it to take them out and realized that they were not there. Shit, he thought. They're at Ben and Bailey's. He left them on the coffee table this morning when he rushed out.

He thought about what Ben told him on his way out the hospital. He literally said he was preventing him from having sex with his wife. He realized that Ben and Miranda were married and that meant that they had sex, but he really did need the visual of his former teacher and now chief having sex. She was one of the most respected people at the hospital. He did not want to think about her in that way.

Jackson looked at his watch it was now three o'clock in the morning. He said to himself that they were probably asleep it's late. Since he still had the key to their house. He could just go there and quietly go in and go straight to the living room and get the papers he left.  They would be none the wiser. Jackson stood up and got his wallet and paid his tab. He left a tip and gathered his things. He yelled back

"See you later" and left to make his way to Ben and Bailey's

At Ben and Miranda's

Miranda and Ben were in the kitchen wrapped in their towels. They had decided to not put on any clothes. What for, they were only going to be naked again. They decided to have some actual hot food since they had burned up so many calories from all their sexual activities.

Miranda was sitting on the island and Ben was sitting on a stool right next to her. Miranda was holding as plate of spaghetti in her lap. Ben had made a pot of his famous spicy sausage and ground turkey spaghetti the night before.

She was feeding him and herself from the same plate. She complimented how much better it tasted today compared to yesterday. The spices that he put in it were now soaked up in the noodles and it had a more flavorful taste. They enjoyed times like this, talking, and being relaxed.

They had not been able to do this for few weeks because of Jackson staying with them. Somethings between married couples are intimate and private and their talking sessions were private to her.

If she was frustrated at work, she could come home and talk freely to Ben knowing he would listen and give her advice if needed. Maybe she just needed to be held.

Ben knew that if she came home and gave him the pouty face without saying a word, he knew what to do.  He knew to take her hand and sit down with her and hold and cuddle with her as she stewed about her day. He also knew he could just lay with her in their bed and cuddled and caress her letting her know that he loved her without speaking any words.

They also liked in being in their kitchen like this and eating. It was one of her favorite things to do. They could be naked and engage in sex and there is no one around to catch them. They usually did this when Tuck was away at his father's.

Miranda enjoyed being able to release her tension for the day she had.  She explained to Ben how she had to let Owen know who the boss was and to tell him how inappropriate he acted about Dr. Riggs. She told him that she did not have to explain her decisions about hiring for a department that was not his. 

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