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The last day of summer. Tomorrow I would have to go back to school. I wasn't really looking forward to it. But something tells me this year is gonna be a roller coaster especially since there's a new girl in town.

My boyfriend Marcus and I are sitting on the conner smoking weed. A blue car drives by and I see a girl with her mother and brother. "How much you wanna bet the girl is going to our school?" I ask Marcus looking up at him as I'm leaning on his shoulder. "Uh, if she goes to our school how about I pay for the weed next time and if she doesn't then you'll pay for it." He says looking down at me with his perfect brown eyes. 

"Okay." I giggle and he leans down and kisses me. "I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him standing up. "Bye bae." Marcus says and I start walking to my house.

Later on at night I'm laying in bed when Marcus texts me.

Marcus ❤️🙈💘
Hey my mom caught me smoking and grounded me, I'm bored so I'm sneaking over to your house

Thea ❤️🙈💘
Lol I love your mom.

Ur probably stressing her out babes

Marcus ❤️🙈💘
She's stressing me out too

Well if you come here quickly maybe I can help with the stress

Almost there

A few minutes later Marcus is knocking on my window. I let him in and immediately we start kissing.

I pull Marcus over to my bed and push him down lightly. I drop to my knees in front of him and start undoing his pants. I pull them down along with his boxers and began to suck him off.

The next day I walk into my AP English class and as I sit down the bells rings.

"Welcome back, AP English." My teacher, Mr. Gitten says. "Hiding in the back there, you will find our new student, Virginia Miller." I look to my left and it's the girl from yesterday. Yes I'm so glad Marcus is paying for our weed this time, I honestly do not have the money. "I trust you will maker her feel welcome."

"It's Ginny." She says quite annoyed. I know how she feels. My mother literally named me Theodosia and I always have to remind people to call me Thea.

"I know it's our first day back from summer vacation, but I thought it was an excellent opportunity for a pop quiz." Mr. Gitten says as he hands out a test to everyone. "Those of you who didn't do the summer reading of The Crucible are in for a world of pain." Mr. Gitten gets to Ginny and tells her: "Don't worry, Virginia, I don't expect you to have read it." Then Ginny raises her hand. "Oh. Yes, you have a question?"

"There are 16 books on this syllabus." Ginny starts. "Yes. Like I said you can always drop down-" Mr. Gitten starts but Ginny cuts him off.

"Fourteen of them are written by men, 15 were written by white people and I'm willing to make a guess the one black author will crop up in the syllabus just in time for Black History Month. Am I right?" Ginny says and Mr. Gitten turns red from angry. I guess he never got owned by a student before.

I sit back in my seat smirking and make eye contact with my soul sister Maxine. "Excuse me?" Mr. Gitten says.

"I'm very serious about my education, Mr. Gitten. I'm worried I might internalize an ideology that main viewpoint, the viewpoint worth studying in class, the viewpoint of the greats, is only that of that white male thus eradicating my voice as immaterial. And finally, I'm worried I won't be stimulated intellectually." Ginny rants and the class snickers. "Also, I have read The Crucible, and I'm confident I can take the quiz today."

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