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The next few weeks fly by but they do say time goes by fast when you're having fun and I most definitely felt that. I've had more fun than i've had in a long time. My professor lied when she said the project could take up to two weeks, maybe for my dumber peers but Tatiana and I knocked that shit out in three days. "We make a good team" she told me as we put the finishing touches on. We sat in my living and room and I was correcting mistakes before submitting the project.
Since the project was complete I thought that would be the last i'd see of her outside of class but she's came over my house everyday since then and surprisingly i'm cool with it. It feels like we've been friends for years not weeks.
"I gotta ask you, what you do?" I say one Saturday morning, I was cooking eggs and bacon for us and she was sitting on my couch doing something on her pink Macbook. "What you mean?" Tatiana blinks a couple of times like she doesn't understand the question. "Like, how you make your money? You ain't gotta tell me but shit, put a bitch on" She shakes her head and laughs, standing up and walking over to me. "Girl", she grabs a piece of bacon and lets out a sound of satisfaction as it crunches loudly in her mouth, "I sell pussy".
I don't say anything out loud but in my mind im shook, so much for putting me on. I guess my expression gives away what i'm thinking because she bursts into laughter, "I'm fucking lying! My brother be giving me money and shit. That nigga in the streets." She wipes her eyes and grabs a paper plate still smiling. Tatiana adds eggs to the white plate and says, "I got a lil' job at a coffee place but it's not paying for all this expensive shit."
I nod, understanding completely. When my parents were alive they liked to give money to family and buy nice things for them too, My grandma has scrapbooks filled with pictures of my aunts,uncles and cousins in big furs and Gucci leaning on nice ass cars so I wasn't surprised when she told me this. We end up on the couch, eating and watching some reality show Tatiana put on the tv.
A hispanic woman is throwing a drink in someone's face when Tatiana's phone rings, The phone lights up and shakes, the screen reads Tyree with a single pink heart. He's facetiming her. She answers quickly with a, "wassup" and a deep voice answers back, "Not shit , what you doing?"
I peek at the phone , just trying to put a face on the voice and I see it's the boy that I assume is her boyfriend. Tyree.
  From what I can see he's in the car with a blunt behind his ear, his background is loud from the cars music and im surprised we can hear him over it.
"At my friends house, chilling" Tatiana responds and puts me in the camera, I wish she hadn't. I just woke up so my bonnet was still on, I had on a big green shirt and I was hunched over my breakfast like the thing from the lord of the rings. "Who that? she bad" he says back and I furrow my eyebrows, she needs to leave that nigga if he's gonna be disrespectful . But Tatiana doesn't cuss him out like I expected, she just rolls her eyes and says, "boy bye, you a hoe."
The rest of their conversation is short and he tells her he'll be outside in 5 minutes to pick her up before she bangs on him.
"That's your boyfriend?" I ask, I wanted to get straight to the point because if so these niggas not shit. "Fuuuuck no. that's my twin brother, Tyree. Ew" There I go, thinking I knew something. "My bad, I thought I knew what I was talking about" , she's putting on her crocs and putting her stuff in her book bag and she doesn't seem fazed. "Girl, you good", she says as I walk with her to the door. "If you don't have to work come over to my house later? My brother having a kick back and I think it'll be fun" I say okay and ask her what time I be there , she tells me around 9 and she'll send me the address. We hug and she leaves and I lock the door behind her. I watch as she gets in the same black car like always, this time in the back seat instead of the front.
Her brothers car not her boyfriend's.
Was I wrong for hoping I would get to meet him?


   I was nervous as I knocked on Tatiana's  front door. It was a nice, little house in a nice, little neighborhood. It wasn't too big but it wasn't the P's either. I flipped my knotless braids out of my face as the door opened up, I had went with a side part instead of my usual bun. Tatiana looked nice and casual . Locs down , all whites on and the same stunning earrings. I'm glad it wasn't any formal shit but when I heard the word kick back I figured it would be pretty causal. I decided to throw on my black New Balance , ripped, black jeans that hugged my body nice and a cropped black shirt, I brought a jacket just incase I got cold.
"Heeey, girl. You look goood" She says as I walk in the house. No one had arrived yet, she had asked me to come early so we could chill and I thought that was really nice. I follow Tatiana up some stairs and into beautiful room. The bed is big and is shrouded by a pink canopy, it looks like something made for a princess. I walk over to her vanity mirror and pull my earrings from my black purse, they were big, gold hoops that twisted around each other like two entwined snakes. These were my favorite pair ,real gold but they weren't heavy. My mom got them for me as a 11th birthday present, I remember my dad shaking his head disapprovingly when I opened the box and jumped up and down in excitement. He was never ready for me to grow up (like most dads), so this almost made him have a heart attack. "The bigger the hoop the bigger the hoe" he joked and my mom smacked the back of his head, "Shut up, Marcus." She said sharply but a smile threatened to crack her pursed lips. I just rolled my eyes, my dad and I were close so I knew he was joking. He couldn't help it, he was like the Katt Williams of the hood. "But for real baby, you look beautiful" he told me when I had tried them on and I smiled so big my cheeks hurt. Because of this I didn't wear them often, too much pain lingered behind those memories. But I thought I should bring them out tonight, I hadn't been to a party or kick back in a while and I wanted to look my best.
When 10:00 rolls around the music is so loud that the walls are shaking so Tatiana and I stretch from the bed and make ourselves presentable. I go to walk out the door and Tatiana stops me, "hold on , girl" she pulls some clear lip gloss from her back pocket and puts it on her lips. I stretch my pointer finger towards her , "I ain't been sucking dick or anything" she puts a big drop on my finger and I put it on my lips. I quickly look in the mirror to make sure I look right, fidget with my braids and then we head downstairs.
Downstairs is totally different from when I first came in, it's niggas eveeeeeerywhere. This shit is not a little "kick back" like Tatiana told me it would be but when I look at her she doesn't look phased. As we move down the stairs I see people drinking, smoking and dancing. Bitches are standing on the couch like we at the club but I see Tyree quickly shut that shit down, he's sitting on a secluded section of another couch with about five other niggas, but only one stands out to me.
  He was wearing a red, fitted cap that was turned to the back and black locs sat on his shoulders, he had beautiful dark skin with big, luscious lips. The diamonds in his chain bounced off the light coming from the kitchen. He wasn't sitting like everyone else, he was leaning against the wall, hand in the pocket of his jeans, surveying the room. His brown eyes darted from wall to wall. He looked like a lion waiting in the brush for some unlucky animal and for some reason... I liked that.

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