Chapter 31

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Over the next few days, George slowly started to remember more and more. Some things still remained blurry, but most things came back gradually to form a clearer picture of what life had been like before this had all happened.

The more he remembered, the more George realized he didn't like the person he had been. He had seemingly set things aflame everywhere he went, and now he needed to find a way to put those fires out and fix what he had done.

He spent days thinking about how he could mend the things he had broken, and he finally realized the only way to do it was to face the issues head on. And so early one morning, George found Dream sitting on the couch. He sat down beside him and leaned into his side. As he rested his head down against Dream's shoulder, he heard Dream quietly mutter, "hey, Georgie. Everything okay?"

He didn't answer right away, he just wanted a moment of peaceful quiet that he could only seem to get when Dream was near. Dream gave him a moment, and then George tilted his face up towards Dream to finally respond, "everything's fine. I just wanted to ask you for a favor."

"Sure," Dream answered, "whatever you need."

George smiled at this, and then lifted his head from Dream's shoulder as he asked, "can you come with me to Philza's office?"

Dream didn't answer right away, but his eyes roamed George's face questioningly. George hadn't told him much about what he was going to do, he had only asked Dream not to tell anyone that he could remember just yet. He needed time to himself, and Dream had given it to him without question.

"Okay," Dream answered, "are you ready to let everyone know that you can remember things?"

George nodded, and then responded, "yeah, I think I am. But I also want to try and fix things if I can. I have a list of people I need to talk to, I figured that's a good way to start."

Dream hummed quietly, and then nodded in agreement. He gave George's hand a gentle squeeze, and then said, "I think that's a good idea."

George only smiled back, and Dream leaned forward to press a light kiss to his cheek before he added on, "I'm really proud of you, George."


George was nervous the second they stepped foot in Philza's office. He wasn't even sure why, but the nerves only worsened when Dream left him to go see Sapnap. At first, he had insisted on going with George, but George knew that he needed to fix his problems on his own this time. And so he headed up to Philza's office by himself.

He knocked once on the large door, pushing it open when he heard Philza's voice from the other side. The minute he stepped into the room, Philza's eyes widened in shock, and he motioned to a chair across from his desk as he said, "George, I didn't expect to see you today."

George lowered himself into the chair, nodding as he answered, "I know. I needed to talk to you about some things. I know you're already well aware, but there's a lot between us that's unresolved."

Philza hummed quietly, and then leaned back in his chair as he carefully asked, "does this mean that you remember all of it?"

"I remember enough of it," George responded, "and Dream has helped me with the rest of it."

Philza nodded once, and George noticed the way his demeanor shifted so suddenly. He looked nervous now, and it was clear to George that he had no idea where to start. The air around them felt tense, and George was desperate to get the conversation moving, so he quietly asked, "do you regret doing it? Moving to London and leaving me behind?"

Philza stilled, and his eyes flickered up towards George's quickly. George hadn't meant anything by the question, he was just genuinely curious as to what Philza's mindset had been. He gave Philza a reassuring smile and a quick nod to let him know it was okay.

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