Meeting an Old Friend

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The next morning, despite not getting enough sleep, Alisa doesn't feel tired. As planned the night before, Alisa meets Katheryne and hands her the letter. Katheryne gladly takes the letter and reassures Alisa that she'll pass it to her family if she encounters them in Mondstadt. With that, Alisa sets off.

Approaching Stone Gate, Alisa spots the blonde outlander once more, now accompanied by a chubby pixie. Their eyes meet, and the boy seems to have noticed Alisa's visions too. Growing uneasy, she quickens her pace. The boy calls out to the girl, persistently standing in Alisa's way.

Acting on instinct, Alisa swiftly erects a stone wall between herself and the boy, then makes her escape. But before she can get too far, a group of Fatui Agents emerges. They launch an attack, while the young girl conjures electro bombs using her two visions. Amid the explosion of the electro-stone bombs, Alisa notices additional stones forming around her—courtesy of the Outlander.

Alisa and the Outlander got into a huge battle. Once the Fatui agents are finally defeated, Alisa looks at the Outlander sharply.

"I don't need your help!" Alisa exclaims.

This takes the Outlander aback. The chubby pixie that had caught Alisa's attention earlier suddenly appears in front of her face, yelling at her for being so rude. Silently, Alisa walks away from the boy and his pixie companion.

"I'm Aether, and this is my emergency food, Paimon," the boy introduces themselves jokingly.

"I noticed you have 2 visions. I thought each person was only allowed one vision?" Aether asks politely.

Alisa looks at Aether for a moment. Despite the boy's kindness, she can't seem to trust him. A cold shoulder is all she offers. Wordlessly, she leaves Aether and Paimon behind. In the distance, Aether's faint voice can be heard, wondering if he said something wrong. Alisa glances back, observing Aether from afar. What if he's someone who has been sent by the gods to seize her vision? Trust isn't something she can afford at the moment.

Continuing her journey, Alisa occasionally checks behind her to ensure Aether isn't following. Time passes, and she eventually reaches the entrance of Liyue Harbor. The sight that greets her is chilling—numerous Fatui Agents are seen. The scene unsettles her deeply. Slowly stepping back, she contemplates fleeing.

Abruptly, a tap on her shoulder startles Alisa. Reacting without hesitation, she grasps her blade and swings it. The person behind her skillfully evades her attack. Alisa's shock turns to recognition—it's Ajax! She recalls the last letter she received from him a year ago on her birthday. He's now working in Liyue Harbor due to the convenience it offers for trading.

Tears trickle down Alisa's cheeks. She throws herself into the arms of her best friend, and Ajax holds her close, prompting her to recount everything that has transpired since last year. He soothes her by running his fingers through her long black hair. Yet, Ajax senses something wrong. He lets go of Alisa and touches her forehead, discovering that she's running a fever.

Urgently, Ajax takes Alisa to Wangshu Inn. He instructs her to rest while he heads out to procure food and medicine. Alisa lies down on the bed, exhaustion from her journey and battle weighing heavily on her. Her eyelids grow heavy, and she closes her eyes, eventually surrendering to a deep slumber.

A few minutes later, Ajax returns to find his friend already asleep. He places the medicine on the table inside Alisa's room and leaves a note detailing the dosage. Before departing, he checks on Alisa one last time and then takes his leave.

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