the beginning of little hunter

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Little hunter age: 0-3 years old

Plot lilith finds hunter crying after he runs away from his uncle.

Author note:
*Before I start this I have to warn you that hunter lives with eda and lilith cause belos is a mean uncle. There will be a little child abuse but not too bad just hitting and stuff not too bad cause I have trauma too so like I dont want to trigger myself or anyone else. But his uncle has anger outbursts so I thought this would be accurate enough I guess. this will be a story not one shots cause I like long stories better I'm hoping to have 13 or more chapters to this story.
Now enjoy this story*

Hunter is in his room at the castle cuddling flapjack when he hears a knock on his door.
He decides to get up and answer it.
"Belos is asking for your presence" one of belos' guards told him.
"Okay I'll be right there just gotta do something real quick" he answered.
The guard sighs and walks off looking irritated.
Hunter then closes his door and hides his palisman and tells flapjack to stay put and that he will be back.
Hunter then walks out of his room feeling a but anxious and frightened of what his uncle wants. He didnt think he did anything wrong.
He then stands at the door to his uncle's room.
Feeling a bit more scared he pushes the door open after knocking while hiding his emotions a bit so he doesn't show weakness after all he's supposed to be brave being the golden guard and all.

"Ah hunter there you are" belos greeted.

"Hello uncle" hunter greeted back.

"It has come to attention that you left the castle last night when I told you are not to leave without my word to do so." Belos said with a bit of anger in his voice.
" I was getting you titans blood but was unsuccessful sorry" hunter replied with his head down in shame.

Belos sighs in anger.

"Hunter head up we look people in the eyes when we are talking to them I've told you this before." Belos exclaimed

"sorry uncle" hunter said while trying to not cry.

Hunter backed up a bit towards the door when he saw his uncle walking towards him.

Belos saw this and put his hands on hunters shoulders.

"Hunter I know that you are sorry but you disobeyed me and for that you should be punished cause you knew better" belos said with frustration

"I'm sorry uncle please I'll do better next time" hunter replied a bit scared

Belos sighed in anger his curse bugging him again.

He slapped hunter in the face.

"I've told you before to not disobey me and to not show weakness stop this you are not a child anymore stop acting like one" belos said angrily
Hunter stood there thinking those words over and started to cry while hanging his head. He decided to nod his head.
"Good boy for understanding now go to bed its late." Belos said

Hunter just stayed silent and nodded his head.
He opened the door and when he did he ran into kikimora.
"Watch where you are going kid" she said
Then she realized he was crying and wondered why for some reason feeling a bit sympathetic for him she forced those feeling down and shook her head.

Hunter walked to his room and when he arrived he just sat on his bed silently crying himself to sleep.

The Next morning he felt better and decided to go eat some breakfast with his uncle as he does every morning.

"Hunter I'm sorry for last night" belos said with a sigh

"Its okay uncle" hunter replied.

Belos replied with an okay.

After breakfast they did their usual duties in the castle.

After hunter got done he decided to regress in his room a bit cause he felt sad and depressed from the night before.

He got out his childhood toys and played with them a bit and giggled.

An hour later there was a knock on his door and he didnt notice he kept playing with his thumb In his mouth.
Belos was at his door wondering what all the commotion was.
He opened it to see flapjack on hunters shoulder and hunter regressed.

"What the heck are you doing hunter" belos yelled

Hunter realizing what happened cried repeating saying he was sorry.

Belos then dragged the sobbing child off his bed and dragged him to his room to question the child.

When they were in his room belos deposited the kid on the floor.
Looking down at hunter with crossed arms. Waiting for the kid to stop crying and seeing as he wasn't calming down slapped him again in the face.
The kid stopped crying and looked up.

"Hunter give me your palisman that you've been hiding from me." Belo ordered

" No please. He's not dangerous cant I keep him" hunter begged

" he's wild magic he is dangerous now do as your told or else." Belos replied in anger.
Hunter didnt do as he was told he just opened the door and ran away far away crying his eyes out until he ran into lilith. In the woods just realizing where he was he cried.
Lilith being the caring person she is saw him and realized two things one he is a little and two he is the golden guard
" what's wrong little one" lilith asked a bit worried

"My uncle he wants flapjack and he was gonna hit me again" hunter replied while sobbing
" okay child I'm taking you to the owl house you'll be safe there." Lilith replied while holding her hand out for him to hold
Hunter stood up and took her hand in his and followed her to the owl house.

Thanks for reading part 2 comes out later.

Requests are welcome!!!

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