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A/N: This is a fluffy head cannon chapter about nicknames, hope you enjoy

- Michelle had many people she loved

- and the way she showed love was pet names and nicknames

- she sometimes called Blake her mom jokingly but deep down they all knew it was very genuine

- Blake's name in her contacts was her name with a heart which was usually reserved for only Walker, her dads and Blake herself

- Michelle's name in Blake's contact was "my baby 🥺"

- for real life, Blake would call her "Honey" and it was reserved for only her

- Blake would call Walker "sweetie" since she felt like it was her own daughter's boyfriend

- for her friends that she met on set, their contact names were usually their character names of the movie or show where they met

- for example, Stephanie Beatrix's name was saved as "Rosa Diaz", Sarah Hyland's was saved as "Lianna Jade" etc.

- she also had a very special name for Taylor

- she was saved as "queen" (what? She was)

- her dads were saved as "Thing one" and "thing two" with big hearts next to them.

- now with Walker, his name was saved as "Walkey 💜" which was a nickname that she had called him as a joke, but the name kind of stuck

- Michelle's name in his phone was saved as "My Michelle ❤️"

- the both of them didn't really do much PDA when people were looking, but when they were alone they would call eachother millions of pet names

- Michelle would call Walker "handsome" "babe" "love" "Walkey"

- Walker would call Michelle "babe" "my love" "chelle" "gorgeous" "beautiful"

- all in all, they were a really really cute couple :)

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