chapter one

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"I love you all! Goodnight Nashville!" . The flashing lights of thousands of phone lights sparkled like the sky at night, captivating me. Their screams all combined as one overwhelming hum, making its way through my earpiece. Confetti rained from the sky as Paul and Grant took their positioning to do the last guitar solos of the finale as I ran up the stairs taking my place on the lift. I turned once more, gesturing to my band, blowing a final kiss to the crowd I call home. The lift moved down as the curtains began to move, the crowd permitting one last roar that echoed through the concrete as I jumped off the lift. The first thing I saw was his face, bathed in light as he watched the final endings to we are never ever getting back together from the side stage. Warmth rushed through my heart knowing he'd been watching me, a rush of gratitude for my best friend. " Taylor! Love you did amazing ! Ive never heard a crowd so energised" Ed yelled over the still screaming crowd as he rushed over to me, pulling me into a strong hug. Eds arms were strong and safe around me, a best friends reassurance a safety that came along with him. His ginger hair tickled against my forehead as I rested my head on his shoulder. As we pulled apart, his blue eyes glistened with excitement, the similar kind they glow with after we perform together on the b stage every night. We made our way back to the dressing rooms, gulping water graciously down now soothing my throat, no longer having to be concerned about my red lipstick. As I reached my dressing room I excused myself from ed, opening the door to find caitlin sitting at the mirrored bench taking out her elaborate curls. "Amazing show Taylor! Caitlin enthused as she jumped at excitedly at my entrace. "You too cait! I still never get over your entrace to IKYWT it kills me everytime" I giggle back at her as she flicks her hair dramatically at my compliment. We smile at each other for a moment before she starts the mission we undertake every night of tour, taking my ring leaders costume off. Once im changed and my hair is in a relaxed ponytail, I head to club red, hearing the exited squeals from the hallway made my heart warm.
After the last fan had left, I made my way back to the tour bus, exhausted and so ready to get into bed and watch friends. I noticed Ed waiting for me, " wanted to walk you back, you know a lady shouldn't be walking around by herself in the dark" his British accent twangs as we make our way into the humid fragrant air of the Nashville night. We chat animatedly and banter back and forth, joking over the cat hat he had decided to wear during everything had changed that night. As I climbed the stairs to my bus I turned around to ed "thank you for watching me tonight, you know that means alot." I said to him, suddenly regaining seriousness in our current state of banter. "I couldn't not love your quite captivating, you dont need me watching to tell you that." He said in a quiet and sincere tone. My smile grew with his kind words, giving him one last gentle hug I turned wordlessly and closed my bus door. As I got into bed, I noticed I still held the euphoric smile I develop around ed. Thing's may change over the years, but ill always know ed will be my best friend.

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