Creepy guy at the bus

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I woke up to my alarm go off.




I turned it off slightly annoyed. "Ugh.... What time is it?" I looked at my clock trying to keep my eyes open and falling back asleep. "Fuck I slept in. I need to get going if I'm gonna make it to work." I got up and started walking to my bathroom.

"Should I take a shower?" I'm used to being alone so much that I started talking to myself, which has me worried since I might have some mental issues coming along with it. I started thinking but  I decided to pass. "Eh, I can go another day without taking a shower. I doubt anyone at the gas station will notice anyway." I put my work clothes on and locked my door. Exiting the apartment, I felt like millions of eyes were staring at me. I turned around and to my suprise there was nothing behind me. 'Hm odd.' I thought.

I got on the bus and sat down, scrolled through my messages and put my phone away.

A weird guy got up. '...' That guy's been staring at me this whole time... Do I think he's cute?            'Ugh, No way. He's weird looking and it's creepy how he keeps smiling' I got to my stop and exited the bus running to my work, afraid of being late. 'Alright, time for work.' I checked in and sat in my chair behind the counter, waiting for any customers. 'Slow day...'

I hear the door open and close. 'Huh...?' A quick glance up and there he was. 'Oh...It's that creep from the bus...' 

"Hi." He said with a raspy voice. He sounded like he barely even talked. "Uh... Hi? How can I help you, sir?" I asked him and sat up from my chair getting closer to the counter. "You smell good." Is all he said to me. I furrowed my eyebrows and awkwardly said "Uh...Ok..." I stayed silent for a bit, and he just stared at me. It felt like he was eating me with his eyes. "What can I do for you? Did you need something?"I tried staying professional and not call the police on him for being a mayor weirdo. "What's your name?" He asked. Did he ever stop smiling? "  'You'..." Humming, he got a tiny bit closer. "That's defenitely one of the names I've heard." Smiling at me with those weird teeth, he pointed at himself and made an open mouthed smile. "Mines ̸͓̻̪͍̔̀͌̀ ̸̰̹͋̀̒ ̷̭͎̼̳́́͝͠ ̷̡̦͒̑̕͘ ̴̞̣̙̼̉̄̾ ̵̫̞̏͛̏ ̵̥̪̜̰́̽͘ ̴̳̬͕̏ ̴̹̗̬͂͌̚ͅ ̶̦̜̽̓ ̵̰͝ ̸̺̘̑́̈́͜͠ ̷̨̖͕́͘͠ ̵̞̪̓̓͆̐ ̶̼͖̓̋̋̀ ̴̧̙̭̉  " I got dizzy and blinked a few times as he said that. "But you can call me John Doe." I was still confused but tired at the same time "Ok..." 

"Are you doing anything after work?" Hm...I mean no not really, but is it really safe to tell him? I shrugged mentally "No...I'm not doing anything. Why do you ask?" And with that he left. 'Weird...' 

I spent the rest of the day sitting in my chair and scrolling on social media. After my shift ended, I was so happy. Can't wait to get home and sleep. 

'Hm, It's dark today-' "Hi." Doe jumped out of thin air. "Oh-! Geez! You scared me!" He stared into my soul. "...Do you like being scared?" "No! I hate being scared! I avoid horror movies for this exact reason!!" Ugh I'm so full of his shit. "You're cute when you're scared." He said with a wide smile. What is wrong with him?! "Can I come home with you?" Wha- "Absolutely not. I don't even know you!" He stayed silent for a bit, then spoke "Sure you do! We met earlier! We're practically best friends now! We could be more..." his breathing got heavy as he said 'more'. It's embarrassing to say but as weird he was, he was kind of attractive. "Ok, I'm going to go now, the bus is here. Please dont follow me." I got on the bus did he... 

'...He's following me' I thought. Ugh what a weirdo. I got off and hurried to my apartment. 'Ok we're here. Huh...?' He's not here. Maybe he didn't get off the bus. That's probably a good thing.

I got inside and thought about eating. 'Nah I snacked enough at work.' I'm so tired... 

And with that everything went black. 


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