Missing School Already

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So apparently I am in 12th class now which is supposed to be board year. CBSE

Well the thing is, I can't go to school till July
Yes that also means I am online till end week of June
Man I am really wishing I was there in school.
The whole 10th went online. I wasn't allowed to go to school in 11th and heck, to give the finals offline I had to cry in front of my aunt so that she could allow me to go to school.

I was quite nervous at first, going to school for the first time as 11th grader, to put an end to 11th grade. It was the first time alright. But when I sat(I was the only kid who willingly chose the first seat while others prefer middle or lasts) it felt like old times.
Giving exams was well, nothing to be afraid of afterall. No anxiety. Just a self of coming back to a long lost place.

When the exams ended, I went to school for my ptm
And boy oh boy oh boy.
The front teachers were three. My accounts sir (known to be strict and well, quite honest) my economic maam (I didn't attend her class the entire Jan,Feb and March. Though I did came in sometime) and bst sir, whose our class teacher.

The girl in front of me... the replies she got from teachers...
"Your child needs to focus on studies"
"Arrogant child, has problems to even switch on the camera. So disrespectful"
"Weak in studies"
I said that my ptm is going to go off bad for the first time, so don't call mom. But mom did call. The ones attending the ptm with me were my aunt and my grandmother. Granny put the call on and told me to quiet down cause she ain't gonna disconnect it.

And to top it all. My lil two year old brother was with me. And he sure wasn't afraid of anything. Went outside the room continuously, and tried to idk, PULL UP HIS T-shirt!

He started whimpering, started flying kissing, started to touch his nose with mine, and pick our noses. (Yes gross but that's what he does when he tries to sleep. And I m the only one who doesn't let him.) I had to run to get him back.

But when my chance came
Everything went fab. 0 complains. Guess I got worried for nothing.

Yknow when my brother went to his preschool for the first time, he was two years and one month. I swear he hasn't cried like that in his entire life. I felt like crying and I couldn't tolerate. The preschool was owned by my granny's real sis. So I could stay. We didn't send him to preschool after that. We won't till July
But look at him at my school, roaming like a boss. Doing things that shouldn't be done. I was worried about maintaining the 'PTM decorum' while my aunt was- let him roam.

My dad's in navy. He doesn't get holidays all that easily. So he booked a ticket for us. And we're here till end of June. There is no way he will allow us to go back cause.
Cut the man some slack, he missed half of my childhood by sailing, then all office, then sending me to granny's to study so that my studies can't be hampered by all the transfers.
And now my lil bro stays with me too. He doesn't wants to miss his childhood. And neither do I. So yeah we're stuck till July here

I am more worried as to how I'll catch up with others in studying...



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