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(I'm going to cried if my book get flag again and it's get taken down)

"You are working four jobs!" Hoseok store manager was currently yelling at him after he found out from and employee. "Yes, please don't fire me! I need these so I can help my brother and I!" Hoseok was on his knees begging. "Well you better start looking for another one cus you're fire!" The manager pointed the door.

Hoseok wipe his tears away and walk out. He quickly ran to his car and look through his car pocket.

It's was a gun. He stuff it in his jacket pocket.

"I am sorry Yoongi" He start up his car and drove home. He park the car in the driveway.

"Hyung, you're home already" Yoongi was shocked. "I lost my job, I don't feel like going to my other job" Hoseok tell him. "Oh hyung, do you want ice cream?" Hoseok nodded.

As he was doing that, Hoseok got the gun loaded and place it near his head. As Yoongi came out, he drop everything.


"I'm sorry Yoongi, I can't do this anymore. I love you little bro"


A gun shot rang though the room, blood splatter everywhere including on Yoongi face.

The boy who just turn 18 fell on his knees, in tears. His only family members is gone.

Min Hoseok is gone.


Min Yoongi his older brother just died after his birthday. His last and only family members that is gone and now he is alone. Doesn't know how to survive. He work his ass to get stuff he needs. But it's nothing same to him, everything change about him.

No more of this soft side Yoongi.

No more gummy smile.

No more of his cheerful laugh.

Just a sad depression guy.

✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿

"This is 911, what is your emergency?" The operator ask. "M-my brother" Yoongi choked on his tears. "Honey I can't understand you, what's wrong with your brother?" The operator ask. "He's gone, he kill himself!" Yoongi scream and broke down crying. "He is my only family member!"

All the operator could do and calm him down as he told them the house address. An ambulance and few cops came to his home.

"Hi I'm Rachel. I'm here to help you" she sat next to him who was sitting on the curve. "I don't need help" Yoongi said. "Ok, Yoongi I heard he was your only family member and unfortunately since you're 18 we can't really help you that much. But we can you get stuff you need and support too" she explains. "No, I don't want anything. Hoseok and I made a promise and no way in hell I'm breaking that" Yoongi stand up. "Ok, here is my number if you need us. Here is the officer number as well. Hope you the best" she left.

Yoongi was thinking to throw them away but he didn't. He put then in his pocket and went home.

There was still blood on him and in the room. Yoongi sigh and look through under the kitchen sink for cleaning supplies. Good thing that the floor isn't carpet.

"Why Hobi" Yoongi tear up, scrubbing the floor. He is going to get ashes tomorrow.

✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿

After the whole thing, he went to his room, share room with Hoseok.

He lost it.

"Why me!" Yoongi scream top of his lungs and slam himself on the bed.

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