Block Party

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I once dreamt of a block party,

Seas of black joy and music,

Mixed faces laughing, and posing for pictures,

People being who they are between brick row houses,

I realized I didn't miss the gunshots,

I once dreamt of a block party,

That still had to many in the house,

Even though, this was supposed, to be a block party,

But I smiled because I didn't feel the urge to complain,

I realized I missed being around people I wanted to get away from,

I once dreamt of a block party,

Where some ghetto parent had they baby out here in just a diaper,

Where a group of people's goal was only to bring the music up,

Where all I wanted to do was capture a moment,

I realized I didn't see a fight break out,

I realized I saw a sea of beings in peace and happens.

I realized I miss being black and happy and free,

I realized I never actually want to go to a block party.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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