Chapter 32

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(A/N : Play the music and read.)

Julia's POV

A new week began and Doug had to go back to work. All our other friends were working too, which basically left Tom and I to spend most part of every day all by ourselves. Of course I would have loved being able to hang out with everyone so soon after the reunion, but I couldn't really say I was mad about spending most of my time alone with Tom either.

We didn't have too much trouble finding how to occupy ourselves. It was like back in the days, the littlest things were enough for us to have a good time. Just being with him made any activity fun anyway.

The first half of the week was dedicated to doing all the things that could possibly be done around town. We went to all our favorite places and even spent an afternoon at the theme park where I somehow managed to talk Tom into riding the rollercoaster with me, which was something I didn't think I could ever achieve. He looked a little green when we got off though, and spending the next thirty minutes vomiting his guts out in the toilet most likely made him regret letting me drag him into doing this, but it was still fun. We also went to the playground where we swung on the swings, slid on the slide, hung from the rings, played in the sand, and all in all behaved like two 5-year-olds. We saw a couple movies at the theater, said hello to the animals at the zoo, and one morning we even took the car and drove all the way to Crazy Teddy's just because it'd been such a long time since we'd last seen that place, and because the idea itself sounded crazy.

The second half of the week started with what we originally meant to be a more quiet day at home, never mind that neither of us was technically 'at home'. Thing were pretty uneventful until I decided to try and make cookies to surprise Penhall when he would get back from work. Tom offered to help me and we somehow ended up having a flour fight and making a mess of the whole kitchen. Then again, I guess I started it all the moment I dipped my finger in the flour and began drawing a kitten nose and whiskers all over Tommy's face.

Anyway, today was the last working day of the week and we had decided to spend it at the beach. It had to be the only place I still hadn't paid a visit since I was back in Metropolis, and so I was pretty excited. I missed the scenary so much.

"Come on ! I haven't done this since the academy !" I heard Tom complain breathlessly from behind me as we ran along the beach.

"You getting old on me Hanson ?" I teased him, shooting him a quick look over my shoulder as I sped up.

"Ha-ha very funny" he retorted in a mocking way that only made me giggle. "Wait till I catch you !"

"In your dreams baby !" I yelled happily, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

It took him one more minute, but he did catch me, pouncing me when I least expected it and sending us both rolling around the sandy ground as I laughed so hard my sides hurt.

"Gotcha" he whispered as he landed on top of me, pinning me.

His sunglasses fell off on my face shortly after, which made us both giggle, however it soon died down when I looked up and met his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes.

I realized then how close our faces were. I could feel his breath on my cheeks and it gave me goosebumps all over. I shuddered despite the heat, and that's when I regained my bearings. I slipped his sunglasses back on his nose before sitting up, and Tom quickly got off me to sit down criss-cros style beside me instead.

We sat together on the beach for a while, letting the sunshine warm our skin and the wind blow in our hair, simply enjoying the soothing noises of the ocean and the beautiful view in front of us. I would occasionally steal a glance at Tom and allow myself to admire his perfect profile for a second or two, before bringing my gaze back to the rolling waves.

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