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Back with Connor...

"So, what should we do?" Connor asked Maggie in the room. "I'm not sure, but..." Maggie was suddenly interrupted by a loud click. "Uh oh... they found their way in... brace yourself..." Connor said to Maggie, picking up a close by pipe.

The door slowly opened until a bright light filled the room. "Are you guys, okay?" A girl asked. "Saydie, thank goodness it's you!" Connor said with relief, coming out of the room they were in. "Yeah, we thought you were a demon," Maggie said, exiting the room.

"Well thank goodness that I found you," Saydie said. "And... I'm sorry I ran away, though I had good intentions..."

"It's okay, but what do you mean by good intentions?" Maggie asked curiously. "Well..." Saydie pointed down the hall as a tall skinny man brought Jayce over from the kitchen. "I went to gather a few people..."

"You go Bennett?" Connor asked. "I also got Emma to help, but she is out looking for any other people," Saydie replied. "Yeah, Saydie ran out of this place and drove to get us explaining the situation," Bennett said.

"So now we just need to find Emma, Andre, Devyn, and Alyssa..." Connor said. "We can manage that..." Saydie said.

"Or can you?" a voice asked. A tall skinny lady with skin as white as a cloud; nails as sharp as knives; hair covered in a deep red liquid; and a white mask covering half her face stepped out into the hall they were in. "Nice to meet you darlings... my name is Anita..."

The lady looked at Saydie with an evil glare. "I love your hair!" Anita said. "How do you pull it off... I would say I'm a blond, but I quite enjoy being a redhead..."

The group stood still in disbelief, staring at Anita. "Don't you know it's rude to stare?" Anita said angrily. "Oh, honey cakes!" Anita yelled.

"Yes, my honey bear?" a familiar Russian accent said. Vylad suddenly appeared from around the corner. "These children are staring at me..." Anita cried in anger. "First you attack us, then you make my honey bear cry..." Vylad grew ten times his current height, his eyes turned as hot as the sun, and there was fire burning from every crack on his body. "You are all going to die!"

Anita's eyes suddenly turned white like snow, her hair slowly turned white, and her nails and teeth grew longer.

"Guys..." Saydie said. "Run!"

The group scattered in an attempt to lose the two. "Don't run, we just want to be friends!" Anita yelled. "Come here you little brats!" Vylad yelled.

Shortly after the group scattered once more, Connor found himself cornered by Anita. "Got you!" Anita screamed, charging at Connor. A hammer suddenly swung down and smashed Anita in the head, knocking her out cold. "And stay down..." Andre said, putting his foot on her head. "Emma, Alyssa, over here!"

"Who did you find?" Alyssa asked as she ran up to Andre and Connor. "Here's Connor, but it appears the rest of the group is scattered..." Andre replied. "So, something happened to Saydie and Bennett?" Emma asked, joining the three. "Yeah, we all split up because of two demons..." Connor replied. "Let me guess... Vylad?" Andre asked. "Yeah, but also his demonic wife Anita who you just knocked out," Connor replied. "Well... let's go... we need to get the others and escape..." Andre said, helping Connor off the floor.

The Demon of the Dirty DrawlsWhere stories live. Discover now