𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖. (𝕡𝕥.7)

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When we finally reached the old man's house we were greeted by a young woman. "I'm Tsunami. Nice to meet you all."

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto! It's nice to meet you!"

"Uchiha Sasuke."

"I'm Haruno Sakura."

"I'm Haruno Raiden. This is Hatake Kakashi. I don't want to come off as rude but is there a place where our sensei can rest?" I asked the woman as nicely as I could. I had a habit of being rude when I was in pain.

"Oh, no, of course, dear, follow me." I followed her to a room up the stairs and placed Kakashi down on the futon that was made, in the middle of the room.

When I stood up again I had to lean onto the wall for support. My mind was hazy, black dots clouded my vision and my legs were weak, sadly an effect of getting injured and fighting a rouge nin. And Anemia, unfortunately, but I was pretty sure I didn't have Anemia, so...

"Are you alright?" Tsunami asked, her brows furrowed in worry.

"Im fine," I reassured weakly with a comforting smile.

She didn't seem convinced but walked down the stairs with me trailing behind her. However, when we walked into the kitchen area, my vision started to blur and I began to get dizzy. Blinking,  I tried my hardest to clear away the black covering my vision but my efforts were in vain as my head spun rapidly and down I went.

The last thing I remember is someone calling my name before everything went still and quiet.

• • •

The young boy Raiden stood in the doorway of the kitchen area. He seemed to be dizzy, in the eyes of his teammates, with sickly grey skin, grasping onto the wall for support but his head was spinning rapidly as if someone has taken his head and decided to spin it at the quick speed of light. His vision saw nothing but blurs of colour and blobs of people but then it all blackened, the spinning stopped and he fell backwards, hitting the ground with a loud thud.

"Raiden!" The boy's twin and blonde-haired teammate face startled and fearful cries before rushing to his side.

His twin shook him frantically, trying to get him to wake. "Raiden? Raiden?!"

Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter rushed to the boy's side also and almost immediately checked for a pulse, breathing a sigh of relief when she felt the rhythmic thump against her fingers. "He's fine. He's just asleep." It was only then that she noticed the wound on his stomach and she let out a short gasp as she retracted her hand to her mouth. "What on earth happened to him?"

"He was stabbed," Tazuna explained before continuing. "He cauterised the wound before we got here."

Tsunami looked at her father aghast. "How much blood did he lose? He looks as pale as a ghost!"

"I'm not sure. Probably a lot. He was bleeding for about half an hour before he was able to attend to it," Sakura answered for the man when he hesitated to speak.

"Well, he can't just lay on the floor. Can you two take him up to the room your sensei is in?" The brunette wan asked the other two boys on team seven, though it was more of an order. Because it wasn't like they could say no, if they did they'd not only suffer Sakura's wrath, they'd look like assholes and it wasn't as if they could just leave him on the floor like a doormat that everyone tripped on.

And thus, the blonde Uzumaki and black-haired Uchiha shared a glare before picking up the white-haired Haruno. They hauled the boy up to their sensei's room and placed him down on a futon next to him, tucking him in a manner before they stalked back down to the kitchen where the others sat at the wooden dining table, worry on their faces.

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