The wind Deity

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...A long time ago in the Enchanted Forest...

She couldn't remember how she was created, but she knew of her purpose. She knew that in order to survive, she needed the constant belief; not just of herself, but of others... of people. She knew, as every spirited deity knows, that in order to sustain one's abilities one must capture the love of people. The Wind had always been the conduit of her powers and an embodiment of her strength and for all of her existence she allowed it to dictate who she met and where she went and it had never led her astray. So the Wind delivered her to this forest, but more specifically, by a cliff where she came upon a young man in distress.

The young deity with fair skin and long raven-black hair floated down upon the dark scene. She took notice of the young man's clothes and realized that he was of no royalty. So she magically disguised herself in the clothes of a lower class commoner to seem more humbling and approachable. As the sad man mumbled depressing words to himself, she observed cautiously from behind a tree, thinking of ways to approach the situation.

"...I'll never escape the shame... his cowardice will forever haunt me..." said the thin man as he stared dangerously over the edge of the cliff. "...I can't go on living like this. Who will miss me anyways? No one," he continued, speaking rhetorically to himself as he stepped closer and closer towards the brink, "Go on lad... do the brave thing and take control of your life..."

"And by 'taking control of your life' you wish to end it? That sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me," questioned the beautiful wind deity.

The young man jumped in place, startled by the woman's sudden appearance. The first thing she noticed was his tear-soaked brown eyes as if he had been weeping for the past hour or so and his shapely nose which was stuffed and irritated. He spoke back to her, "What do you care? Not like you can do anything to stop me."

"I could, actually."

"Go away! Your pretty eyes shouldn't see such horrific things."

The young deity carried on, ignoring his statement, "I'm curious... why would a young man want to off himself?"

"I'm so glad that you find what I'm doing so amusing to you," he replied sarcastically.

"Well, if you're going to jump off this cliff and fall quickly to your death, I must have a name to tell the other villagers to collect your body. It would be quite the blemish on such a lovely landscape."

The man hesitated for a moment, looking back and forth between his death and the female stranger, "...Rumplestiltskin... and yours?"

"Here's the deal, if you want to know my name you must step away from there."

"How about I just make up your name and call it a day? You seem to enjoy popping in on unfortunate situations so how about I just call you Miss Poppins?"

"You know, it does have a nice ring to it. Come now, if you're curious about my name that means you have something worth living a little while longer for."

Rumplestiltskin's curiosity got the best of him and he turned away from the cliff. Seeing that they were making progress, the young deity divulged her name, "My name is Mary."

"That can't be your name," he replied, sensing the falseness in her statement.

"I don't really have one, so that will have to do," she replied honestly.

Rumplestiltskin looked at her skeptically. There was something very charming about this woman and it piqued his curiosity. Mary extended her hand towards Rumplestiltskin when a sudden wind caused him to lose his footing. Rumple's back foot slipped off of the edge and he fell over the cliff. As he fell he reached for the closest thing his hands could grab and the vines that were draped over the edge were the first things his hands latched on to. Mary ran over to the edge, got on her belly and reached for Rumplestiltskin.

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