The Battle of Trost part 1

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They said the walls were built on legends, tall tales that help us make sense of things too great or too terrifying to believe. This is the legend of the ghost titan. Story goes that every universe has one. Some damn soul cursed to ride the earth collection on all the sinners. Many years ago a ghost rider was sent to an island where he was given the power of one of the nine titan shifters, the attack titan. The thing about legends is sometimes they're true.

Time skip to the battle of Trost on top of the wall.

Eren: Five years have passed since then. Mankind's finally regaining its dignity. We can win. Mankind's counterattack begins now!

After Eren would have said that in his head a lightbulb would hit the outside of the wall. What came after that was the colossal titan, it would be standing there. Everyone would be in shock before it kicked a hole into the wall, this would have caused everyone to go flying off of the wall and them having to use their ODM gear to stick to the wall to not die. As he was on the wall he saw the hole in the wall. As Eren would then state to get flashbacks to what happened five years ago, all of the people getting killed, and his mother being eaten in front of him.

Eren: Ready the artillery! Four groups! Prepare for battle! The target right in front of us! It's the colossal titan! This is our chance! Don't let it slip away!

As Eren would have then made it to the top to see the colossal titan. As he would look at it, it would then look at him.

Eren: Hello there. It's been five years.

The colossal titan then tried to hit Eren but missed. Eren then got on his arm and started to run up it to his neck. He then uses his 3D ODM gear to get to the back of the titan to kill it. But before he could the colossal titan let out a lot of steam making Eren not get close. This made Eren close his eyes for a bit, when he opened them he went for the kill. But when he did the colossal titan was gone. Eren then lands on the side of the wall.

Eren: What the? Did he just vanish into thin air?

Wagner: Eren where'd he go did he get away are you take him out.

Eren: He's gone exactly like five years ago. He's here one moment and gone the next just like that.

Eren then makes his way to the top of the wall to see Connie there too. Eren then walked up to Wagner.

Eren: I'm sorry I-

Wagner: Don't apologize, look at us we were too scared to move.

Connie: HEY, wallow on your own time in case you hadn't noticed there's breach, we need to act now if they start pouring in that's it.

Garrison Soldier: Look alive. Operation colossal titan response is in effect if you take part in a report to HQ. If you got close to the damn thing we need details.

Eren: Sir

Connie: Sir we pray the advanced team will be victorious.


Garrison Soldier: Out of the frying pan and into the fire cadets. Time to put your training to work. I have faith each of you will be credited to your regiment.

As Mikasa comes in she sees Eren next to Armin.

Eren: Armin what's wrong.

Armin: don't worry I'm fine just give me a second for my nerves to settle. This is bad, isn't there a hole in the wall eight meter wide and we don't even remotely have the engineering know-how to plug it. That huge boulder near the front gate was their best bet. But we couldn't figure out how to hoist it in place unless we sealed the bridge. The entire city has got us dead. How long do you think before they take the wall rose seriously ? Think about it anytime the moon strikes them they can wipe out the human race in an afternoon.

Eren: Armin. Listen to me. You're focused on the past, look ahead I'm not gonna be the victim anymore.

Armin: Sorry I-I'm okay.

Time skip to outside

Kitz: I want everyone split into four squadrons as practiced. All squadrons are responsible for supply running, message relay, and enemy combat under the command of the garrison regiment. The intercept squadrons will be taking the vanguard. Cadets will be taking the middle guard led by the support squad. Rear guard will go to the elites. I expect you all to man your post knowing the advanced team has been wiped out. That's  right the other gate is history the titans are in, this means the armored titan is likely to reappear. If and when he does the inner gate will also be history. Right those in the vanguard be ready the whole area is well nicely saturated. Your mission is a very simple one: defend the wall so the evacuation is done. Now be aware all of you that desertion is punishable by execution. If it comes to it, lay down your lives. Dismissed.

Everyone: Sir

As everyone was walking Eren ran into Jean

Jean: Move it

Eren: What the hell man what's wrong with you.

Jean: What kind of question is that we're all about to be titan chow you expect me to sing you a happy little song. You're loving this aren't you you little psycho. Of course your whole life's aspiration is to be eaten. I was one day shy of shipping off to the MP.

Eren: Jean you know

Jean: nope not all of us are suicidal.

Eren: Damn it shut up for a second you're trained for this. What do you think the last three years were about? We survived, we stared death in the face and we lived not everyone can say that they can. Some people couldn't take it and either ran or were thrown out. Hell some people actually died but not us am I right, we powered through for three years what's one more day. You can do this Jean all right the MP will still be waiting for you tomorrow.

Jean: Shit. (Walks away) On your feet dazz stop falling.

Mikasa: Eren. If things turn for the worse I want you to come find me all right.

Eren: What. We're in completely different squats.

Mikasa: Look, this is gonna get ugly and when does the plan go out the window? Come and find me so I can protect you.

Eren: Who the hell do you think you are?

Garrison Soldier: Ackerman you're with me you've been assigned to the rear guard on special orders let's get moving.

Mikasa: But sir I'm a cadet I'll slow everyone down.

Eren: What

Garrison Soldier: you're not being asked for a self-evaluation here the mass exodus is falling apart we need as many elite soldiers as possible to get things back on track.

Mikasa: sir with all do in ( gets head budded by Eren)

Eren: You've been given a direct order to pull it together, now this is bigger than the two of us and you know it. We're on the verge of extinction here and have some damn perspective.

Mikasa: you're right I'm sorry this whole situation just has me out of my head. ( grab Eren) Just promise. Promise me one thing. Whatever happens don't get yourself killed.

Eren then walk off

Eren: I hadn't planned on it, thanks. (Thoughts)  No, I won't allow myself to get killed. Not until I taste what life is outside of these god forsaken walls.

The Ghost Titan (Aot x Ghost rider) (In The Void)Where stories live. Discover now